Love, lettuce, and life



Dear readers,

I am a big fan of conscious living. The human being is incredibly powerful, yet most of us live on autopilot, in survival mode. I believe that life on Earth can be a beautiful and amazing experience, and that we human beings are all artists and creators, living with the potential to consciously create peace on Earth.

In this brief post, I will give you an example and an experiment that you can easily carry out at home in your own kitchen. This experiment will allow you to test your own power as a creative human being. You will use your own consciousness and harness high frequency energies to prevent entropy (decay) and to promote life (syntropy).


As we all know, when we buy food at the supermarket, even if we preserve that food in the refrigerator, it eventually begins to decay. Mold and bacteria,powerful and necessary agents of entropy or decay live in our homes, on our bodies, and yes, even inside our refrigerators and freezers. Everything in life is subject to a cycle of construction and deconstruction. This is normal and necessary, for otherwise life would become stagnant, and there would be no room to create new beings, new things. So we do need this push-pull force, which is present in all of nature and the Universe. All of creation is ruled by opposing or complementary forces, including planet Earth.


Nonetheless, when I buy lettuce or cheese at my local farmer’s market, I began to notice that mold was growing rather too quickly on my cheese, and that the lettuce was wilting and decomposing within two or three days inside my fridge. Time to clean out the refrigerator, perhaps? Yes, there is something to be said for a clean home, but no matter how hard we try to remove pathogens, bacteria, mold, parasites, viruses, micro-organisms, they are always present. Here is what we can do to keep our food fresh longer.


When you remove your fresh food from grocery bags and prepare to place it inside the fridge, open the bag or container of food, be centered in your heart, and say:

“I love you.”


You will see that your food stays fresh longer. You can use this same technique to revitalize your drinking water. It is by raising the frequency of energy in the water molecules in your food that this works. Remember Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with the memory of water. Water contains a crystalline structure that organizes or disorganizes depending on the frequency of energies to which these structures are exposed. Most of the food we eat and our bodies are made primarily of water. Love is the constructive or organizational frequency in physics. When we harness our conscious minds to these constructive frequencies, we create harmony, which supports life.


When we allow ourselves and our environment to live on autopilot, randomness or entropy is allowed to prevail. Once humanity collectively raises our frequency, promoting harmony in society over social chaos, our food will last longer, and our bodies will live longer. We can prevent aging using this same process. Every day when you wake up, and every night before you go to sleep, say “I love you” to your body. Address your cells and organ systems. Each and every part of yourself that you take for granted needs your intentional love in order to sustain health and long life. By rejecting negative or low frequencies which may have already created disharmony or disease in your body or which have allowed mold or decay to flourish in your refrigerator or in the walls of your home, you become a powerful creator of life.


I hope that you enjoy this simple experiment. You can be more scientific about it and conduct a control, using a separate food item and exposing it to low frequency energies such as hateful and negative thoughts. You will see that this food spoils faster. But the goal of this experiment is to demonstrate that without the conscious intervention of loving thought, that chaos or random energy frequencies prevail. Random frequencies generate decay. Think about your health, your friends and neighbors when you observe how negative thought affects life and well-being. Gossip, judgment, and negative thoughts do affect our health and that of our friends. We have the power to create world peace. Start with your own refrigerator, with your own body. Start spreading the love, and save some money too!

Here is a link to another blogger who went to great lengths to prove or disprove Dr. Emoto’s rice experiment. He had mixed results. Purity of intent is key, but is also tricky!

An Equation of love

sacredear curled-fern-frond

Dear readers,

According to Len Horowitz in a fascinating interview titled The Secrets of Vibration, plants receive the life and love-giving energies of the sun through energetic sound vibrations or frequencies. In the images above, to the left, you see a diagram of the inner ear and how it absorbs the various sound frequencies. To the right, is an image of a curled fern leaf, whose structure is remarkably similar to that of the human inner ear. Basically, sound creates light, and the plant listens to and transforms sound frequencies of light for our benefit. The light  of the sun, which, in conjunction with the presence of water, allows for all life on our planet, is generated through sound. Plants absorb, as we do, those life giving frequencies, transforming them using the greenish-yellow pigment we call chlorophyll, to translate those frequencies of love into the air we breathe.


As we breathe, we absorb the essential frequencies of love which harmonize our cells with the universe. In the video referenced above, which you can listen to on YouTube by clicking on the link in the first paragraph, Len Horowitz explains that the original harmonic scales used in music have tremendous creative power. He believes that we have deviated as a culture away from the harmonic frequencies towards a more dissonant scale tuned to 440Hz. By being constantly bathed in dissonance, entropy prevails in our societies, hindering humans from generating more harmonious and cooperative behaviors.

Aurora Borealis in Manitoba

If we surround ourselves with harmonizing frequencies, such as 528 Hz, and focus our thoughts on love, centering ourselves in our hearts, we will find ourselves on the same frequency with plants, animals, nature. There is much evidence that harmonious energetic frequencies allow plants, animals, humans to thrive rather than merely survive. When we talk lovingly to our plants and surround them with attention and beautiful music, they become luxuriant and grow more quickly. When our hearts are compassionate and are emitting frequencies on the original harmonic scale, even wild animals are no longer afraid of us.


In the Universe, everything is energy. Everything is interconnected. The air we breathe, the water we drink…these are bridges between beings – the fabric we share. Our thoughts, feelings, and energetic frequencies translate to the structures in the air and water, which are then shared with other people, plants, and animals. As we grow in conscious awareness, we can actively choose to plant positive, loving thoughts in our minds and hearts. These thoughts are activated in our cells and bodily fluids. The air we breathe out is transformed and contains the healing frequency of our loving thoughts. Water absorbs the frequency of our thoughts and of everything with which it comes into contact. We have the power to purify water, to organize water into a more loving, healing, harmonic crystalline structure which is beneficial for all life: human, animal, plant, and that of the planet itself.


Like plants and trees, which are vectors of the consciousness of the planet, we have the power to heal the Earth, who is here to support us in every way. When we begin to return the amazing love to Earth that she constantly offers us, we will see our lives transformed. Even trees which have been struck by lightning should be allowed to remain standing, according to Native American wisdom keepers. The dead tree remains a lightning rod, absorbing energy from the lightning strike. This energy is absorbed into the Earth. We, as human beings, like the trees, are antennae. We receive energy from the planet and from the sun, and the choices we make with our consciousness allow us to create harmony or dissonance on Earth.


Nightlight (a poem)


Darkness roils.

Chokes dams and infants

a force that appears to clog opportunity

Angry, hands tied to bi-polar swing

state of emergency alternates with somnolence

pendulum regular

Groups sway to a chaotic yet predictable rhythm

distracted by temptation

Pulled by illusion

And then, the syrup of night

which once manifested gigantic muscular hands crushing tendon and bone

surprisingly faded to weak

without the shadow of doubt or fear to feed it.

The child awoke from a nightmare.

Comfort of light painted relief from dark terror

The absence of light was nothing but spinning, stories spun from habit

and the passive creation of real life

The awakened child knows better.

Crayon in hand

She draws the world she wants to live in.


Comforted by her own power.

A new paradigm on Earth


mind-blowing-nature-painting-by-jung-hwan-4We tend to think of reality as something that is stable and which changes independently of our own will. Reality is outside of self, and if you believe in a creative source, most likely you have been taught that this powerful being is also outside of your self. This vision of reality implies we are separate from one another. We are weak actors struggling to compete with others for resources and for our personal survival. Above all, we play a role of adaptation rather than one of creation.

In the new paradigm, into which humanity has been evolving over the last thirty years, every person is a creator, actively participating in the manifestation of reality. A conscious actor, the human being uses intent in thought and feeling to shift energies across the planet. Entanglement and other concepts of quantum physics are allowing us to realize that we are much more powerful than we once thought.

We now know that consciousness is not limited by the brain. The mind is not contained inside the skull, and our thoughts are not protected by bone, muscle, flesh or hair. When we allow a negative or judgmental thought about ourself or about another person enter our mind and we don’t consciously reject that thought, the negative thought or belief then is authorized by our intent to create reality. This negativity influences how we feel about ourself, how we feel and act towards others. But more than that, this negative thought emanates from our body into the unified field around us. It has infinite repercussions. And because we are all connected to one another within this unified field, the object of our thoughts also feels impacted by the thought.

When we become aware as conscious creators or artists of reality, we immediately realize how important it is to be responsible for our thoughts and our feelings, as well as our actions. We begin to think about the possible consequences for our thoughts or feelings and beliefs. This affects how we choose to think at every moment. Once we begin to choose positive and loving beliefs and thoughts for ourself and all of those in our sphere, our attitude and even our health begin to change. We become more loving and compassionate…of ourselves and of others.

We can no longer be tricked or manipulated by politics, advertising or news. Our minds and hearts become calm, and we are not sucked into drama.

We begin to encourage others and absorb the beautiful, loving energies of our planet and the universe into our bodies and our being. And we actively reject negative, hurtful, or non-beneficial energies from our minds, hearts, and bodies.

Most importantly, we realize that we are powerful. We are creating reality. One thought at a time.



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Intuition instructs us as we lean inwards, listen, and look. In the eye of the mind and heart emerge images, sounds, sensations, experiences. These are the voices of expansion and true knowledge. The cooperative experience is one that is tingling with life, vibrating with energy. The voices of pebbles and weeds awaken from dry definition as inanimate, and the quiet intuitive hears the remarkable stories that emerge from our own cellular structure and from the long ignored hum of our planet’s diverse and misunderstood inhabitants.

Women and Weeds (a poem)


Smooth army of blades upright, uniform

invaded by shapes careless

of a perfection that strives

to eliminate dissension

Furred and spiked, clingy climbers

lacy, rebellious, fleshy

climbing high above the ranks of the well-behaved soldiers

Tight, orderly brains trained to shut out the mind-well


Wizened fingers once knew how to pick

from endless array of plants

the perfect remedy

Yet our scientific control box has shifted woman and plant

to black or white, ugly or beautiful, beneficial or garbage

Discarded, we are weeds

Full of juice, joy, vitamins, healing powers, whispers of wisdom

If only a few are coveted

Many are valuable, unseen, untasted, unexperienced

Wasting away are the talented many

Stronger for genocidal craze

The DNA an arsenal of innate adaptation

Perfected because left alone

Left out, not boxed

Unconventional is the new beauty

Powerful is the weed

Left alone to evolve

Woman is no hybrid either

Abandoned, crushed, used, disregarded by so many

She and weed are rising, will rise together

A new glorious day beckons

in a softer, wilder, world

the feathered throat of mother spews

a web of glorious love


The powerful human being emerges

Dear readers,

My intention in starting this blog is to plant seeds of hope and encouragement. I constantly see human beings feeling lonely or struggling with a reality that is assumed to be immutable. Yet we are neither alone nor is reality something that is set in stone. Human beings are constantly recreating reality at each instant, yet most of us feel that we are merely surviving. I felt this way too, until I changed my mind.

If we choose to continue creating the same reality over and over again, it is simply because our beliefs are not congruent with our desires. Most of us wish to live in peace and harmony, to express our deepest wishes and talents and to share our lives with people we love. Our heartfelt desire is to be known, understood, loved, appreciated.

The reality that humanity creates is supported by our beloved planet, Earth. Everything that we think, feel, say, or do impacts the planet and the consciousness of humanity on Earth. When we begin to awaken to the abilities we possess innately to live as creative artists in each moment of our lives, a sense of excitement and wonder awakens in our hearts.

It is exciting and wonderful to know that we impact one another at all times, and that our thoughts and feelings impact the climate and events on Earth. With great power comes great responsibility. The conscious human being is a gatekeeper of his or her thoughts and feelings. When our intentions align with our deepest desires, we are planting the seeds for peace on Earth.