Unmuting our connection to the natural world


Dearest readers,

For thousands of years, we, as human beings, have accepted on one level to forget our identities and true abilities. And now, we are living in an unique time, where we are beginning to remember how powerful we once were and can be again. Beginning to know once again that we are sovereign beings and creators. That we don’t need religion, corporations, or governments to control us and to run our lives. That together, we co-create realities with the Universe. We choose to create harmony or disharmony. What we imagine is what we experience.


When reading from ancient texts, at least what is given to us to peruse and not hidden away, we see that the peoples of civilizations that no longer exist, and some that still do (the indigenous peoples of Australia, South and Central America, the Native peoples of North America, Greenland, Siberia, parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia) were able to see and interact with beings that we currently are not able to perceive with our 3-D vision. Indigenous peoples of the world have always communicated with fairies, devas, gnomes, trolls, monsters, star people, clouds, volcanoes, trees, crystals, plants, unicorns, and other beings that we have assumed as simply inventions of the imagination.


As we begin to remember, we start to realize that these beings are still very real. They are simply not visible or perceivable from our 3-D density. We need to raise our frequency in order to step up into a different level of reality, shifting our perception to a new reality. Once we step out of the restrictive box in which we have chosen to live, inside of our heads, down into our hearts, the world comes alive again with wonder. We find our own power again when we begin to listen, slow down, and see the true beauty and fantastic nature of reality.


The other day, I listened to an interview on YouTube with a man who has devoted his life to crystals, and he described his relationship with his quartz crystals, each of which is unique. He talks to them, asks them questions, listens to them.


When you understand that everything that we perceive and all that we don’t yet perceive is made up of conscious energy forms and that light, sound, air, and water carry information, then the manner in which you perceive and interact with your reality changes.


Just as you can interact with stones, rocks, crystals, the Earth as a conscious planet, you can also interact with plants and trees. All human beings possess this latent ability, and some of us have greater stored experiences in these areas than others. Our human languages actually restrict our ability to communicate with the other non-human language speaking entities on and off of our planet. Once you accept that you are able to communicate with animals, plants, rocks, extra-terrestrial beings, and terrestrial beings that you cannot currently see…anything at all, you become more receptive to this possibility.


Little by little, it becomes easier to talk to non-verbal beings, or beings whose language we have not learned at home or at school. Listening, however, is more challenging. As human beings, we have learned to be very busy. Listening is not our best skill, because it requires patience and is an ability in which multi-tasking is a hindrance rather than a help. After slowing down and asking questions, the next step to communicating with plants, animals, insects, rocks is to be silent and to wait. The answers may not come right away. They may not arrive in the form of words. Pictures, sounds, events, scents, a sense of knowing, or memories may be triggered. By learning to observe your body, your inner sight or intuition, your dreams, and what happens around you outside in the world, you will begin to understand the poetic language of the heart of reality. This is the place where art and science intersect.

human heart sculpture

It is said that the human heart is a portal or gateway to other realms. It is a star gate, just as a spider web or an archway may also be a portal. By becoming more sensitive to our inner worlds as well as to the subtle details of the world around us, as it unfolds to us, moment by moment, we unmute our connection to what we now call the physical world.

kmacdowell heart

You can ask your body, your organs and cellular structure any question for which you seek an answer. Wait for the response, and learn how your body communicates with you. It will be different from person to person. Learn to understand the plants that live inside and outside your house. Get to know them and observe how they change from day to day. Be patient. Slow down. Stay in the moment. Think about what you really would like to know about yourself, about life, your health, the planet, and the nature of reality. The plants, rocks, insects, animals, and the planet have been here for many millions of years, and they have a lot of knowledge and information stored within.


We have ignored the source of so much discovery by muting our connection to our home planet and her inhabitants. In fact, we have muted our connection to our own bodies by isolating ourselves inside our heads and restricting knowledge to information that we have learned from others, not trusting our own intuition and our own ability to interact with the myriads of beings who are our natural family.

Awaken your intuition. Unmute your connection to the planet, and the beginning of a wonderful journey awaits you!


**Some of the photos featured in this post (1,2,6,7 – from top to bottom) were taken by my son, Lucas, in Finland.


The new gardener: frugal, intuitive, compassionate


Dearest readers,

As more and more humans come to realize that everything that exists is a representation of an energetic frequency, and that this energy is a vehicle for consciousness, our view of plants, rocks, soil, and inanimate objects is entirely revised.


We can, if we choose to do so, communicate with plants, with the Earth, with rocks, with trees. As in Feng Shui, we can intuit where to place rocks or plants in a holistic and harmonious manner that promotes beneficial states of being for both people and plants. Going even deeper, we can ask the trees, the plants, the rocks where they would like to be placed.


If you are a compassionate gardener on a budget, there are many ways to work with the planet to create a place of beauty without spending much money at all.

This past week while walking my dog in a fairly affluent area, the flow of the Universe brought me a series of free plants that their “owners” had chosen to discard. These plants were healthy and full of life. Some had dried up flowers that needed to be dead-headed, but were otherwise fine! Within the space of two days, I had acquired four chrysanthemums, including a very large pot, one huge fern, and an aloe plant. All awaiting a certain fate as compost until I came along!


Another way to fill your garden with plants is to choose perennials and plants which multiply and spread. There are many plants that do this, including day lilies, irises and other bulbs, ground covers such as phlox, creeping jenny, and a multitude of others. If you are sufficiently patient, with the purchase of a single plant, within a few years, you can have several flower beds and containers full of beautiful flowering plants and draping ground covers and accent plants.


Many plants such as succulents will grow roots when simply broken from the mother plant and placed in the soil. Others will root when placed in water – geraniums, jasmine, and many flowering plants will easily grow roots and thus be multiplied without your having to buy multiple plants. On your walks, you may come across bits of cacti which have fallen off the mother plant. Stick them in the ground, and they will grow!


Community social networks such as Nextdoor are a great resource to trade or obtain free plants. Many people thin their flower beds at various times of year. I have gotten canna lilies, day lilies, irises, and hellebores that now grace my garden through the loving kindness of neighbor gardeners!


Sometimes our animal friends or air currents bring us wild plants that can become lovely additions to our gardens. I have wild ferns that I have moved around, and wild violets and strawberries can be delightful, though they can also become invasive.


Another great tip for the frugal gardener is to re-purpose or re-use mulch materials that other people discard. In the southern United States, there is an abundance of pine trees, and pine straw is an excellent ground cover/mulch used to maintain moisture while keeping insects away. It is attractive, light-weight, and when fresh, is a lovely orange color. When purchased at big box stores such as the Home Depot or Lowes, pine straw can cost as much as $4 per bale. When neighbors bag up pine straw for pick up by local sanitation workers, each bag is the equivalent of about two bales, and is absolutely free. Sometimes I offer to help neighbors rake in exchange for their pine straw. It takes about forty bales to cover the landscaped area in my front yard, and this process allows me to meet neighbors, have beautiful fresh pine straw, and to save quite a bit of money!


You may ask how does one communicate with plants, rocks, or trees? It is really very simple, but it requires the ability to tune in, look inward, be patient, to activate your third eye, and to open your heart. Intuition means learning from your own inner knowing. For the truth is that we already know everything or have access to all that we do need to know. We simply need to remember that we possess these innate abilities and remember how to access them. The more we practice, the easier it gets.


For example, you either have the plant or rock in front of you, or you simply imagine it in your mind’s eye. You can verbalize aloud or simply think the words in your mind, but clearly express the intent of your request. Then wait for an answer. It may not come in a linear way. It may appear in the form of a synchronistic event. It may flash as an image in your mind’s eye. You may sense a knowing of what to do without any words or images at all. Because all of creation is inter-connected, we are all part of a world-wide web of knowing, communicating, interacting at all times. Plants and rocks are not objects to be discarded or purchased. They are conscious beings. They are our neighbors and our friends.


The conscious gardener cannot discard a plant, trim a tree, pull a weed without the thought: “How am I influencing this being?” What is this tree, weed, or plant feeling right now?” It is a paradigm shift for the gardener, for we all have been conditioned to think of plants, rocks, soil, trees, as silent passive objects without much importance or connection to us. We are taught to think of them as decorative elements that make a landscape look pretty. Few of us realize that they are thoughtful, have strategies, desires, and fears, just as we do.


The intuitive, compassionate new gardener has a heart full of respect and gratitude for the plant world. Sometimes we are not sure how to deal with the complexity of this new (to us) interactive relationship with the plant kingdom and with the planet herself, but to simply be open to learn, to remember to show gratitude, and to begin to ask questions, to ask permission when moving or cutting plants, is a good start!