The Intuitive Botanist

Dearest readers,

I am certain that, like shamans, intuitive herbalists have always played a key role in human societies. Like shamans, herbalists and healers have always lived on the fringes of society. Coveted when their services are needed, but also always in danger when outcomes don’t match human expectations.

Scapegoating, has, alas, played a huge role in the 3-D victim/abuser paradigm. Because personal responsibility is almost always played down in favor of finding an outside cause for all problems and suffering. 3-D or density consciousness, the layer or level of consciousness in which humanity has chosen to dwell (or has been entrapped by, depending on how you see it), is characterized by a focus on the outward. Both problems and solutions always lean towards something outside of self.

Because the feminine energies and intuition have long been punished, suppressed, and demonized by the patriarchal system under which humanity has been surviving (more or less) for the last several thousand years, intuitive herbalism has also been demonized. In fact, most people imagine that a rational scientific method is needed in order to understand the properties of every plant, and whether or not it is toxic for use in humans. Today, holistic and intuitive healers are punished by the legal system and litigious structure created to support the money making machine that is our corporate pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

What is also not taken into account is that the consciousness of plants and our own consciousness are linked, and the chemical substances and attributes of plants adjust to our own biology and chemistry. The same plant will not interact energetically the same way with every person. We and plants are both adaptogenic.

Is it possible to know without scientific expertise that a plant is toxic or not? If it has healing properties, or nutritional properties, and if so, what they are?

I feel certain that our personal DNA contains a multi-dimensional energy field that carries the memory of past incarnations and the knowledge accumulated during all lifetimes. In addition to that library, our intuition connects to an unlimited energy field that surrounds each of us, giving us access to all information and experiences that have ever happened, that are happening now, and that will happen in the future.

This blog, Intuitive Botany, was created because I have a deep connection to plant life. I can look at a plant and feel an almost instantaneous knowing about the plant. What its properties are, how it can be used to treat various conditions. Like all humans on the planet today, I too have been conditioned to override my personal intuition with scientific proof. We have all been taught to give our power away and to trust only sources outside of self, unless we have studied a subject and have been certified as an “expert” in any given area of expertise.

It is in our birthright, as human beings, to co-create heaven on Earth, if we really want it. We have been programmed for millennia to struggle and it has become hard to imagine that our lives, by nature, can and should be easy and joy-filled.

The Internet and AI technologies have been designed as an artificial, masculine-dominated, external control matrix to replace the natural, organic, intuitive matrix. The word matrix means the womb of creation. It is a feminine word. Will an asleep humanity accept to have plugs and outlets installed in the organic body, completely replacing all access to the natural intuitive all-encompassing wisdom field? We have all already been seeded with nanotechnologies through air, water, food, vaccines, artificially created viruses designed to control and limit our natural creativity.

Who needs a hybrid plant robot that can move towards the light? Plants do it naturally!

The timelines for a masculine-controlled, AI, cyber-enslaved humanity locked into seemingly permanent density consciousness exist already and are clearly delineated and described in much literature and films. Less common are depictions of the ascended, New Earth timelines. The movie Avatar is one of few that clearly shows the battle between the masculine and feminine timelines and their differing values, agendas, and sources of power.

The timeline in which the divine feminine is restored to its rightly status, entering into balance with the divine masculine does not have a lot of accompanying literature in our global cultures, especially in recent times. All human beings embody a natural and powerful technology that allows us to connect to one another and to everyone and everything in the multiverse. We don’t need electricity, smart phones or smart homes, Alexa devices, or the internet to accomplish what we can do innately, just using our bodies and our consciousness field.

There is also a deeply ingrained fear that lives within many of us who have carried the wisdom of plant medicine and energy medicine here on Earth. In many past incarnations, we have been persecuted, exiled, burned as witches. The patriarchy, by design, has created a system of control in which all inner knowing has been purposefully demonized. Intuition is a feminine attribute, and it cannot be controlled. It also empowers the individual who trusts herself or himself. Such a person cannot be placed under the purview of a culture that values only power, money, hierarchy, control. By keeping people ignorant of their own organic access to all wisdom and knowledge, the patriarchy has robbed humanity of its sovereignty as well as our ability to connect to Nature, to our own nature and truth, and to heal ourselves.

Since the two or more timelines have split and humanity is now divided, taking different paths towards different Earths with different futures, those who have chosen the AI trans-humanist patriarchal timeline will continue to play in density consciousness for as long as they need. The New Earth timeline, however, is, in my opinion, the most exciting option. And it’s time to invest our energies in ascending thinking, feeling, planning, and creation.

In 5-D New Earth, where the Divine Feminine energies are finally allowed their full status and place in the collective consciousness, intuition will be making a huge comeback. And the intuitive herbalist will be finally not only be allowed to practice, but will be making major contributions to the healing of humanity, body and soul.

New Earth and the Tree of Life: Spitting out the fruit of the tree of knowledge

Dearest readers,

I am very fond of the story of Adam and Eve. It is the foundation for the entire story humanity has co-created together for the last several thousand years. The choice to forget entirely who we are, what our essential truth is, and to experience separation from our true nature. I do suspect, however, that either the story itself or how it is traditionally interpreted, have likely been changed since its inception. The imagery and symbolism of the snake as the temptress and the woman (Eve) as the instigator of temptation to her male companion don’t ring true to me.

There is much evidence that the snake is a representation of the Divine Feminine, which has been excised from our cultural and religious history for the last 2000 plus years.

Why would the Divine Feminine or its representative want the humans dwelling in perfect intuitive harmony with Gaia or Mother Nature to separate from this permanent state of bliss?

And why would the Divine Feminine choose a female human as a subject to confuse or lead astray from divine harmony?

It is clear that the Tree of Life represents 5th dimensional existence, the Peaceable Kingdom, or Paradise on Earth, where humans, plants, animals, and the consciousness of the planet and the one Source Creator of all that is are all in full alignment and harmony.

Why would the Tree of Knowledge, which represents separation from a harmonious, ascended 5th dimensional state even exist within the Garden of Eden, or paradise on Earth?

I believe that the presence of the Tree of Knowledge in Eden clearly signifies that Earth is a Free Will planet. We always have the choice to remain connected to our inner, intuitive knowing, which is true empowerment and mastery…or to separate from that inner connection and lifeline to our multidimensional parallel existences on other planes. When we accept separation or victim consciousness, we forget our divine identity. Our mind, brain, and knowledge gleaned from outside sources become our accepted center of consciousness rather than our heart and intuition as our unique source of information and guidance.

Humanity’s choice: Ease and flow or hardship and ego-driven struggle?

Perhaps, since the choice between a life of ease and flow (eating the fruit of the Tree of Life) and a life of hardship and ego-driven struggle (eating from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge) was designed as an integral part of the life on Earth, humanity had to experience separation from our true divine nature, mastery, conscious creation, and flow in order to truly understand and appreciate a return to unity and our true divine nature.

There are those that say that the snake is a representation of Satan or perhaps a reptilian extra-terrestrial being. That humanity was driven out of Eden or our natural state of flow and mastery by a series of DNA modifications and reduced to slavery by a group of powerful beings not aligned with the one divine consciousness and Source Creator. All of these conjectures are possibilities and could be true. There are many ancient works of art, in particular from the Sumerian/Akadian culture that seem to represent such beings and such technology. And the many paintings and visual interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve portray the serpent wound around the tree, evocative of the DNA double helix.

But if we are indeed a free will planet, then if humanity was tempted or even subjugated by force and did fall into a lower state of consciousness, no one could force this to happen. Even if a person enters an abusive relationship with another person, that person is still responsible for that state of affairs. Temptation is a choice, and the consequences were what we all know and experience today.

We also know today that there are cosmic cycles that govern our planetary and human experiences. Cycles that lead to different ages with different levels of consciousness. Ancient peoples from various cultures around the world were aware of these cycles. In fact, the Mayan people, who in the Alcyone spiral, originated from a star (Maya) that is mostly within the photon band, were fully aware that Earth spends most of its cosmic cycles within the galactic night, outside of the photon band. Currently, we are within the center of the Alcyone spiral, which puts us in the center of the photon band. These energetic frequencies propel the awakening and upliftment of consciousness. When we are within the galactic night, it is very difficult to awaken and to remember our original, divine nature. For more information about this, please read “The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light”, written by Barbara Hand Clow, published by Bear & Co., 1995.

We have all chosen to incarnate here on Earth at the end of one grand 26,000 plus year cycle and at the beginning of a new one. This does not come without turmoil, trial, and tribulation. The end of something old and the beginning of something new requires letting go, deconstruction, breakdown, rebuilding. We are now at the end of a very dark age, as as humanity awakens with the help of the presence of many thousands of starseeds now incarnated here on Earth, we are experiencing the grand deconstruction of the thousands of years long Age of Separation.

It is an exciting time to be alive and to be in a “physical” body! We each now have the opportunity to choose where we stand on the spectrum of awakening and ascension. As we awaken, we remember our true divine nature as fractals of the one divine unified consciousness, as expanding light, in form, and as co-creators of experiences. As we return to unity consciousness, we metaphorically “spit out” the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. The density and frequency of that “food” no longer nourishes us. We crave once again the fruit of the Tree of Life, which allows us to be in constant flow, in the zero point of a divine unified field of creation.

From hardship, survival, victim consciousness we are finally returning to mastery, unity, and peace on Earth. We each have to make the choice to live in the higher dimensions, and it is our level of consciousness that will continue to determine how we experience the next years as at least part of humanity transitions out of density and into unity.