A layered imagination: receiving and transmitting light


Hello dearest readers,

Something happened to me recently in my imagination which I have never experienced before. I was playing out an active imaginary scene in my mind’s eye, when another image which was not intentionally orchestrated by my conscious self came and layered itself on top of my virtual movie. Like an overlay in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, the image of some plants was translucent but clearly visible.

chinese vase

This set me to thinking that there is either more than one source to the imagination, or more than one frequency of consciousness in which imagination can simultaneously play out. In other words, we can function on several channels at the same time, emitting and receiving imagery on various levels. In fact, perhaps I was transmitting my images in my conscious scenario that I was playing out. Maybe someone received my transmission and was responding to me.

imagination kite

Like a television that has multiple windows so we can watch more than one channel at the same time, our mind’s eye could very well be a receiver/transmitter. A sort of smartphone-like device that sends and receives  images.


In a holographic universe, where all of consciousness is entangled, we are constantly sending and receiving encoded messages here on Earth and perhaps beyond the confines of our planet. From what I understand, what we have been told is our junk DNA is in fact, when activated, responsible for our being fully connected to all information in the universe.


I have been working hard at cleansing myself of conditioned programs – all of the aspects of the social paradigm that keep us working jobs we hate, locked into fear, judgment of self and others, blame, shame, self-loathing, lack, and general misery. The more I clear out, the more room there is to receive and emit light and love – which are the fundamental characteristics of a free human being. It is exciting to think about creating without fear. Simply being my true self, but also communicating and sharing with other creative beings anywhere. We are our own Internet, and once we become fully online and connected, we won’t need technology as we know it any more.

northern lights

I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to communicate instantly with plants and animals. Outside of the conceptual confines of time and space, I imagine seeing and hearing the sounds and sights of a fully alive and connected universe. As I shut down the chatter of my conditioned mind and shift my intelligence down to my heart and throughout my entire body, I begin to see with all of my cells. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, between waking and sleep, I can see the geometric codes of reality, alive and flowing. Our reality is a living kaleidoscope, and we are part of this fabulous design.

quantum artist

Daimons and demons: mediators between the earthly and the divine


Hello dear readers,

In the ancient world, people actively maintained relationships with ancestors, animal spirits, and cosmic entities. The human imagination played an active role in communicating with the natural world. At some point, humanity was diverted from our connection to nature. I believe that when Christianity was established as a religion, in a diversion from the original teachings of Jesus, the church as well as certain political and economic forces made a concerted effort to demonize nature, the feminine, and humanity’s connection to our personal higher self.


Shamanistic healer and psychotherapist Dr. Steven Farmer explains that the daimon, a sort of genius and animal spirit that was a revered protector in many societies around the world, was transformed into a feared “demon”. The natural world and all that was earthly or below ground was transformed into a shadow arena, relegated and downgraded to being the realm of only dark energies: demons and the devil.


Suddenly only the cosmic arena, the male pole of spirituality, was considered a source of good, light, and salvation. Thus, heaven became relegated to the sky. The spiritual became distant and separate from our bodies and the world we live in every day. And nature, women, the feminine, the animal and plant kingdom and those who were versed in the healing arts of plants, animals, and the imagination became evil and were feared.


Women, who had once been the highest priestesses and sources of great wisdom were suddenly considered inferior, with smaller brains and lesser abilities than men. Nature and the bowels of the earth became the domain of hell, torture, dreaded punishments. Sexuality and the body, which came from the Earth, were included in this litany of evil. Man and woman were officially divorced from their own bodies, their own intuition, direct connection to the personal higher self, and from a consciously loving and connected relationship with our planet and with nature.


In fact, the daimon (Greek: in-dwelling spirit), of which spiritual writer, psychotherapist, and historian James Hillman speaks in his wonderful book, The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling, is the voice of our higher self. As we live in our temporal earthly bodies on this planet, we are always, if we so choose, connected to our higher self through our intuition and our imagination. The pineal gland in the brain, also known as the third eye, is the gateway to our higher self. Images of the pineal are ever-present in ancient art, architecture, and sculpture. The winged snake symbolism refers to the connection of the earthly to the cosmic realms. Mystics believe we all have many spirit guides, ancestors, and other wise and benevolent sources of energy who accompany us along our path. Because we are born onto this planet with free will, they will not interfere with our lives unless we call upon them for help.


Like the daimon, Earth herself is alive and seeks to communicate with us. Shamanic wisdom teaches that there are three worlds: the lower world, which is located inside the earth – under the ground; the middle world, which is where we live; and the upper world, which would be the cosmos or heavenly domain. The shaman is trained to navigate all of these worlds. He or she has special guides or helpers which are often in the form of animals. These spirit or power animals would have been called daimons (Greece) or geniuses (Rome) in the ancient world.


By grounding ourselves in our bodies and connecting to our planet Earth, it becomes easy to recognize that all of creation is one family. When we become aware that the lower realms are just as sacred as the middle and higher realms, we gain increased wisdom and balance. Our current society is in chaos. For too long certain factions in our society have suppressed necessary knowledge about ourselves and our reality from us.


The human being is a very powerful creator. Once we reopen our hearts, imaginations, and balance our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits, we will intuitively  embrace and revere the feminine once again. We will understand that the sacred feminine is equally important to the sacred masculine, and humanity will become more cooperative and compassionate. It is my hope that by restoring credibility to intuition, emotion, and to the feminine, our health will improve, and our societies will become more peaceful.


The feminine point of view is all encompassing, nurturing, and intuitive. The female brain uses both lobes and makes connections between apparently unrelated ideas, thoughts, feelings. The creative conceptual mind is necessary for the advancement of technology, social structure, and for the health of our planet. Knowing that all people, plants, animals, and the planet herself are interdependent is so important. People who are religious often talk about going to heaven. Do they know that home is inside of each of us? We are here on Earth to learn to love self and one another. This is true purpose of life: love and consciousness. Our insight is a dear friend, not a demon of whom we should be afraid. By demonizing our inner wisdom and our higher self, we are cut off from our own power and our own ability to heal our own bodies, hearts, and spirits.


I think it’s time to rehabilitate the daimon and take back our power to see within and beyond the veil.

Pineal (a poem)


In the bedrock of soft ooze

sprout the rods and cones of a ladder to Jacob’s dream

spruced upwards

gazing inwards

the hallucination of a dream left behind for too long

the yearning of a sunken volcano

a sisterhood of souls abandoned

yearning for the connection

sailing towards the energetics of a wise and warm embrace.

I am told humanity has folded its legs

tucked its head

and wound itself into the embrace of a temporary womb.

the pine cone falls from a lofty place

dropping swirling shedding

layers of forgotten dreams

shattering the brutal murder from the shards of history’s mind wipe

she lies in a tomb shrouded in moss and cobwebs

vines entangle the stone, hair, bone, twig, and flower


a new being unfolds

tentatively stretches a sticky limb

through a film once designed to hold and protect

she is reborn

looking inward

to revise the heart of humanity