The Sun and the Original Organic Matrix

sun and rainbow

Dearest readers,

In the last day or two, I have been guided to watch a couple of videos (Solar Logos: Resurrecting the Solar Stargate System, Paliadorian Diamond Sun Races, and Disclosure ) and (Increasing Human Energy by Harnessing the Sun’s Energy According to Nikola Tesla) which describe how human consciousness is naturally fed energetically through our Sun. These documents explain how the artificial consciousness matrix which has been feeding off of human consciousness for thousands of years with persistent and escalating efforts to block our connection to the Sun, which is also a natural portal to Christed or unity consciousness.


Our physical bodies need sunlight to produce energy. The photonic light produced by our sun which stimulates the production of chlorophyll in plant matter appears to work in a corresponding manner in the energy centers of our cells, affecting our mitochondrial DNA. We absorb sunlight indirectly through the foods that we consume. Nikola Tesla understood this principle. I believe that when we sit in a receptive position to meditate or to absorb the “heilstrom” as per the teachings of German healer and early starseed, Bruno Groening, we are also absorbing the harmonizing energetic frequencies of light particles, to which our energy bodies are particularly sensitive and receptive.

sunlight and plants

As we near the end of the reign of thousands of years of subjugation of our consciousness, for which our energies have been confused, diverted, and vampirized by a small group of elites and extraterrestrial beings, it is now time to celebrate once again our own cosmic connections to the Sun and to the Earth, respectively male and female principles. Both poles are necessary for our well-being and for a peaceful cohabitation on Earth. The feminine and masculine have been intentionally fractured from one another in order to create chaos and division in our personal lives, interpersonal relationships, and social structures.


At this time, we still are experiencing desperate attempts by the dark magicians to mask the sun through veils of expanded contrails, in addition to the heavy metals and other toxins and mind-controlling substances that these contrails are designed to distribute into our air, water, soil, and into the bodies of plants, trees, birds, animals, and human beings. Without the sun, we cannot live, and indeed, at this time, we are still struggling to survive. It is difficult to thrive in the current climate of disease, interpersonal and interracial conflict and endless violence and distractions.

Dying Earth

Of course, it is up to us, as human beings, to awaken to our own power and to take responsibility for our own health, for the realities we create for ourselves and for the collective. The progressive collective awakening programmed for this time, about which the dark magicians have been aware for thousands of years, is coming about despite all efforts to suppress it. The increasingly intense waves of solar flashes bathing the Earth’s atmosphere are making the exposure of the efforts of the dark ones easier to perceive on various levels, even for the deeply conditioned.

Magnificent CME Erupts on the Sun - August 31

The awakening comes in waves, with the Starseeds in the lead, to assist those who  follow, to bring calm, guidance, and our own personal experiences in integration of trauma, shadow work, self-love, self-responsibility, and activation of our innate abilities.

The original higher frequency human beings lived in harmony with one another, fully respectful of the plants, animals, air, water, soil, and with the consciousness of the planet. For those of us who choose to raise our consciousness with the planet (or ascend), we will return to a joyous and creative way of life, in which we enjoy full freedom, and in which we take full responsibility for everything that we create in our lives.

The time of manipulation and victimization is essentially over, and for those of us who are ready, we can now begin to enjoy the fruits of a long, difficult journey from the shadows into the light.

Will the real human antenna please stand up? Nanotechnology, mind control, and natural human abilities

pointing baby

Dear readers,

Yesterday morning as I got out of my car to take my dog for a walk, a very small boy – no more than a year and a half old- emphatically and repeatedly pointed at the sky, preverbally grunting to express himself. I looked up and saw three chemtrails criss-crossing the otherwise blue skies. His mother, sibling, and his mother’s friend paid him no attention. In fact, I think the majority of adults have never even noticed the existence of chemtrails. Perhaps because they never look up from their smartphones.


Chemtrails are only one application of nanotechnology in our current expression of reality. Infinitesimally small particles are used in food packaging, preservatives, fresh and long shelf-life foods, vaccines, medications, electronics, fuels, and more. When it comes to food, air, water, and drug safety, it seems that there is little regulation or awareness of the long-term health effects of these substances.


As many of you reading this and other posts on my blogs are, like me, closely following the ascension process as well as the disclosure and whistleblower movements, you are probably aware that our entire planet is run by a conglomerate of 300 odd corporations, as well as elites in a variety of military, religious, and political institutions. I do personally believe that the Earth has been a prison planet for longer than recorded history and that we are coming very close to the liberation of humanity and the cleansing of the planet. In addition to the multitude of beneficial and highly advanced technologies that have been hidden from humanity, the truth about our own powerful abilities to use our own consciousness to create realities, to self-heal, and to assist in the healing of others and the planet has also been carefully suppressed so that we may be more easily controlled.

nanoscience and nanotechnology.jpg

The purpose of this post is to contrast a singular aspect of the control process – mind control – through the use of nanotechnology with the innate ability of the human being, as well as plants, animals, and trees to connect to the consciousness of the Earth as well as to universal consciousness through our personal toroidal fields and energy system. Basically, our innate abilities have been increasingly hijacked, and our controllers have been using increasingly sophisticated technologies obtained through trading with extra-terrestrial business partners. We, as human beings, have a role to play in this process. We can choose to be victims and give our tacit agreement to be manipulated for the benefit of the controllers, or we can take our power back and work together to heal our bodies and the body of the planet.

trees as antennae

Chemtrails contain a multitude of toxic substances, heavy metals, non-washable films designed to cause our skin to absorb these substances. Not only are we being intentionally intoxicated, potentially to reduce the human population while increasing health care expenses, many are publishing content expressing that a multitude of substances are being diffused via air, water, soil, food, and electromagnetic energy to completely control our minds and our behaviors. The human body is already by nature an electromagnetic system that detects energy fields. Every cell is a short antenna. Spray on nanoparticles could amplify these natural abilities. (Click on link to watch a short video, “The Human Antenna” by doctors Robert O. Becker and Neil Cherry, MD.) Another interesting short video by Dr. Robin Kelly also titled The Human Antenna amplifies the nature of our bodies as empty space, our inter-connected reality, and our ultimate responsibility in determining our own health.

Click on the link to read an article about spray-on nanoparticles which transform trees or any vertical object into antennae.  I believe that one aspect of the chemtrail spraying is to also transform human beings into receivers and transmitters, allowing those in control to hijack our consciousness both waking and sleeping.

secret antennae

These products were initially developed by the military for military applications. We have all been conditioned to feel the need to have constant access to our iPhones, social media, internet access, and entertainment, making every possible object, living or inanimate transformed into an antenna seem like a good thing!


A small company called ChamTech Operations based in Utah has developed a nanoparticle mix that can be sprayed on any vertical object—like a tree—and make that object act as a high-powered antenna.

Not only can the sprayed-on nanoparticles make trees into antennas, but it can also extend the range of an existing antenna by a factor of 100, according to one of the principals of the company, Anthony Sutera. For instance, in RFID tags the nanoparticle spray extended the readable range of the tag from a mere five feet (1.5 meters) to 700 feet (200 m).

This progressive global conditioning of humanity is preparing us for total slavery and mind control, for very sophisticated mind control technologies have been used by the military for many years. From a 3-D perspective, this may be the last frontier, as most of our other liberties have already been stripped away. Terrorist attacks and various public shootings are visible manifestations of how the system uses mind control technologies to select isolated and vulnerable individuals, inciting them to commit hate crimes in order to manipulate the emotional body of the collective and to maintain us in a constant state of fear and anxiety.


Fear, like anger, hatred, judgment, and shame is a low state of consciousness. Maintaining humanity in a lowered state of consciousness allows us to be controlled. Releasing ourselves from our conditioned fear, prejudice, anger, self-loathing, doubt, anxiety, separation and lack and raising our consciousness to the frequencies of unconditional love, unity, peace, abundance, serenity, joy, confidence, trust, gratitude allow us to bypass the control mechanisms and to liberate ourselves and the planet.

In this post, I will share content I have found online that makes this claim seem less outlandish than it might appear at first encounter.

Former nun Sister Keri Burnor is a whistle blower, revealing deep corruption, human trafficking, and crimes against humanity by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. Below in bold italics is part of the intro to her video on YouTube: (Please click on the link to watch.) This is another interview with Sister Keri.

keri burnor

Sister Keri Burnor’s story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind’s environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.


Many brave people such as Sister Keri Burnor are risking their lives to share crucial information and what we can do to heal our bodies and to preserve freedom on our planet. Sharing information is key. We are living in a time of disclosure of what has been hidden from humanity about our history, both distant and near. As human beings, we have the power to transform our reality and to release ourselves from a long era of slavery and control that has escalated in recent years. We can detox our bodies, our minds, and our hearts and unify our consciousness with other human beings. The more love we share for self and others, benevolent and malevolent, the better the outcome for all of us as a collective.

hair antenna

I believe that human consciousness is naturally connected to the consciousness of the planet as well as to cosmic consciousness. It is up to us to remember who we are. Humans are intuitive beings. In traditional cultures, people did not cut their hair, knowing that the hair acts as a subtle antenna, allowing us to tune into the higher realms. It is well known that Native American scouts recruited during Vietnam War claimed that their intuitive abilities diminished when their hair was cut.

Advanced civilizations throughout the multiverses use their consciousness to pilot their ships, and to create their realities – even to interface with a body when needed, as many extra-terrestrial beings are inorganic and do not inhabit bodies as we do. Whistleblower and medical doctor working with secret underground programs, Emery  Smith confirms in interviews with David Wilcock the existence of a multitude of amazing technologies that can and with the support of people like himself as well as the public, heal all diseases, clean up the planet – air, water, and soil, and erase poverty and war from global experience.

Here are some articles I found online about nanotechnologies, benefits and risks:


What is planetary ascension?

tree hug

Dearest readers,

I was recently listening to a recent (May 5th) interview with Tolec, of the Andromeda Council, with Mark Kimmel, of the Cosmic Paradigm network.

deep space

A lot of fascinating information was shared during the course of this interview, but one element in particular caught my attention. Mark Kimmel explained that at one time, many hundreds of millions of years ago, our home planet Earth was about ten times as large as she is now. Not only was she so much larger, but she was much less dense. He described the state of that higher dimensional Earth as being in a very fluid, even gaseous state.


The ascension process is our collective rise, in our case, as human beings, but also involving all of the animals, plants, trees, rocks, soil, and even our entire galaxy to a higher level of consciousness. As we collectively move through a part of space which we have not visited for over 26,000 years, we begin to expand and shed density. Density could be equated with separation, poverty consciousness, dark ages, fear, and violence. This cycle has been characterized by global and civil wars, interpersonal conflict, competition, and power struggles, as well as a domination of the feminine by masculine energies, causing a grave energetic imbalance. During this long, dark age, it has been easy to manipulate human consciousness and to enslave humanity without the consent or even the awareness of most human beings. Even worse, most of us have forgotten our true identity and have lost awareness that we are part of an infinite cosmic neighborhood, with family members flung far across the Universe and even within the planet herself.


At one time, humanity and the Earth, in her expanded state, did coexist in this more fluid form in which time was not linear, and in which our bodies and matter did not seem so solid. In other words, in that time-space of higher dimension, we did not experience absolute separation from one another.


As today we see people struggling with identity, and we experience terms such as trans-racial or trans-sexual, gender fluid, and basically, more fluidity and less rigidity in how we define ourselves and our relationships with one another, we can see how we are moving from a very compact, dense, and separate state to one in which we are more intertwined, less defined by outside terminology. We are beginning to awaken, to take back our power and our responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and self-determination.


The ancient Greeks and Romans of fairly relatively recent “ancient” history knew that Gaia, our Earth, was a conscious being. That she was populated with a host of beings, entities, and creatures that today we mostly cannot see and discount as imaginary. On a higher density planet, the spirits of the trees, the plants, the clouds…all of the “gods”, spirits, and “invisible” beings could be easily perceived. We are returning to that higher state of existence.


Because in a higher density there is no linear time, that “original” reality still exists today. We are simply remembering who we once were, remembering how to communicate telepathically. Remembering that we are part of an infinite cosmic family. Remembering that the bodies we live in are but a temporary assignment and not a definitive definition of our being-ness and our identity.

Louis Janmot Poème de l'âme Le Vol de l_âme

I have heard that at this time, many former plantation owners have incarnated as African-Americans. All across the globe, the wisest shamans and chiefs of our global indigenous cultures have chosen to incarnate into people of all nationalities, ethnicities all over the planet. It is time for the “Tribe of Many Colors” to come together and to remember who we once were, and on which glorious dimension we once lived in complete harmony with self, with one another, with all of the plants, animals, and the planet herself.


Planetary ascension is the process we are experiencing individually and collectively at this time. Triggers are everywhere to help us all to remember, at our own pace. The planet, like a growing tree, is literally expanding and losing density. This is the reason for the great Earth changes that are occurring at this time. The volcanic eruptions in Hawaii, the increasingly strong hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and other seismic and weather events will continue to escalate. As a tree grows, its bark cracks to allow the expansion of trunk growth to take place. This is a natural process for us and for the planet. Gaia is cracking open. She is expanding rapidly.


We all have the choice to expand with her. It is an exciting process, and we are all lucky to be here at this time to assist Gaia with her and with humanity’s ascension process.

We are here for this purpose, to support the planet, the animals, plants, the trees, the water, the air, and the soil, as well as to support one another. Don’t be afraid. Just dare to love, and your heart will expand with the heart of the planet.

Rainbow privilege: a poem

rainbow sphere spinning lights

When black, the life of matter dissolves blood and bone

into chaos and song

Striving to spin golden straw from a hard-won mouth

gasping for voice.

The triumph from darkness tears a rent

into the dark, silent hold of infinity

Opening a portal, ever expanding

The bitter taste of defeat, of tooth shattering repression

springing back from the microcosm of despair

Blossoming upon awakening

into an iridescent spherical pillow, upon which lies spent then restored

a tender head of scrappy curls and weakened limbs.

Privilege of an odyssey chosen

descent into darkness, separation, disease, lack, exploitation

to return in an upwards spiral to a flowering of song

Smatterings of equations, characters behind the screen of appearances

The rainbow is a skin to the light body

akin to the prejudice of a world where matter is real

And where “real” things matter.

Where categories and bodies separate and alone

Solitude dissolves into symphony

When art opens the thousand-winged eyes of a butterfly wing,

revealing truth where

one reality is but a web of close-knitted lies

helped together only by the beliefs held by multitudes.

When white, the life of matter clatters and clinks

like coins against marble, granite, and platinum.

Titanium hard-veined blue and cold, embracing separation from the mirror

believing itself to be the Light, the one the only

Wishing to live in a world that is no mirror

To stand hard, tall, robotic on a stage

casting no shadow

Wishing even to banish shadow behind the hardest and most finite door.

Is the shadow of darkness pure source light?

The gift of shadow is the lovely spiral of growth of a plant towards the sun.

A child emerges into being by choice, fully knowing the challenges to be faced

Then forgetting, contracts dissolved into the meatiness of shade, infant emerges from ether, so brave to confront the unknown.

Human being, all flush with iridescence.

We all come here, draped in forgetfulness.

Draped in the shadow of not knowing who we are, why we are here.

The shadow is the teacher of the light.

Dear rainbow, we thank you.

We, fractal fragments of a single source orchestrator

are here. Breaking away to chip into a kaleidoscopic choking

Then explosion of two hardened discs, black on white

into an expanding iris.

We are the all-seeing light

speaking in rainbow volumes

Bringing the Living Library back to life.

Back to light.


What our forests can teach us about building wiser human societies



Dear readers,

I’ve been waiting with much anticipation to get my library copy to read “The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate”, by German forest ranger, Peter Wohlleben. And just the other day, NPR radio’s TED Radio Hour broadcast Canadian ecologist Susan Simard’s TED Talk, How Trees Talk to Each Other.

While I was already aware of the vast underground cooperative networks between fungi and tree roots, what I learned from Susan Simard’s talk is that trees cooperate with one another, and that certain trees, called Mother Trees or Hubs, are the matriarchs or elders of the forest. Other younger trees depend on these older, more experienced trees to flourish. Different varieties of trees share nutrients because they have different needs at varying times of the year. Using this Internet like web of mycelium (fungi), the tree roots are like nerve endings in the brain – the forest being a sort of living intelligent organism which is always changing. It seems as if the trees truly care about the well-being of all other trees, even those who are of different species, though trees do recognize and give preferential treatment to their own seedlings.


Simard explains that when a mother or hub tree is cut down, the entire forest must take stock and reorganize around the loss. If too many hub trees are destroyed or if the diversity of the forest is disturbed too extensively, it becomes much more difficult for the forest to recover. The trees, seedlings, underbrush are in constant communication. They share news of threats and windfalls, and when a tree is about to die, it distributes its wealth of nutrients to its neighbors, as well as its accumulated knowledge.

So what can our societies learn from the forest? Animal societies often have matriarchal figures – elders who bring cohesion and coherence to the group. Among such animals, and there are many others, are orcas, wolves, and elephants. If a matriarch is unexpectedly killed, the animal group often falls into chaos.


In traditional human societies, this type of system of organization is also common. We have lost wisdom from our human societies by focusing too much on male, rational side of the mind, and by intentionally and often savagely suppressing the feminine characteristics of nurturing, cooperation, compassion, and intuition. As humanity and human nature evolve, rising to a higher level of consciousness, we are beginning to see the paradigm shift at work in human societies.



I believe we will soon see evidence of more cooperative social systems at work. Our new societies will organize around wisdom of elders, both male and female. Diplomacy and exchange will be valued over egocentric competition or winning at all costs. Like the trees of the forests, a win-win philosophy will prime.

The constant web of communication which we now enjoy with the Internet will become an intuitive interactive web, once humans begin to discover the power of human consciousness. The old paradigm has had our creative powers restrained in a passive and hierarchical system in which only certain privileged elites have enjoyed access to power and wealth and where class systems were intentionally designed to divide and control people. This has made it difficult to create understanding and unity between different social and ethnic groups. This is the system which is now in deconstruction.


In the intuitive web, the human being understands that the creative source and force is within each of us. By connecting to this invisible web which is the unifying field or matrix with a high level of awareness over our thoughts and feelings, we create outcomes through synchronous thought and action. Because the quantum field is unified by a bias for harmony and love, these outcomes benefit all people, animals, and the planet. We are on the verge of discovering how the underpinning of the physics of the universe is the energy of love. What was once esoteric or spiritual knowledge is about to enter the field of science. And it is by marrying science and technology to feminine wisdom that we will reach new heights in medicine, communications, travel, energy systems that have never before been possible in human history.


It is already possible to access this system which religions may call a state of grace or illumination. By mastering your own thoughts and intentions and releasing all negativity, you can eliminate all separation from the unified field. In this way, you gain mastery over your individual consciousness as you connect to the matrix, and your thoughts create the reality you experience. Self-love is a prerequisite for mastery.

What was once considered only available to highly spiritually evolved beings will increasingly become part of the normal way of perceiving and living on our planet. We will become more conceptual and intuitive, as well as cooperative…just like the trees in the forest, who anticipate one another’s needs. The forest is a unified field of being, and each tree plays a cooperative role. Everyone’s needs are met, and the whole being of the forest is an expression of harmony. In the new human societies, as an increasing number of humans finds joy and inner peace, harmony will also become characteristic of human societies.
