From Survive to Thrive: What is in between duality and unity


Dear readers,

2018 is going to be a year filled with turbulence and change. For many, it will most likely be a terrifying year, but my own heart is soaring with gladness. A sense of knowing tells me that the divine feminine is at last anchoring back into human consciousness. The long lost energies of receptivity, intimacy, patience, kindness, but also the darker feminine witch so long relegated to the collective basement of humanity is returning with its creative and healing powers.


The deep earthiness of living in complete alignment with Earth energy and consciousness in a physical body, so familiar to plants and to animals, has become foreign to human beings. Divorced from our bodies, our feelings, from one another, and from the consciousness of all things, we have over a period of centuries and millennia, forgotten our innate wisdom and creative abilities and have given nearly all of our personal power away. Living on Earth has been reduced to survival in conditions which are tantamount to living in the dimension called “Hell” by many religions. We are victims, most of the time just getting by. We rely on ourselves for so little, and our emotions and attention are constantly being manipulated by entertainment, news media, politicians, and a sense that we don’t have the ability to provide for ourselves or to keep our bodies healthy.


How do we move from merely surviving to thriving? How do we move back into our bodies? For me, the answer is both simple and complex. We must learn self-love. We must remember who we are as well as remember the great wisdom and awareness of the plants, the animals, and the Earth herself. Our cultures allow us only to consciously love and accept only a very small part of ourselves and of one another. The majority of our thoughts, feelings, impulses, ideas, desires are not acceptable to other people. And for the most part, our bodies are also not good enough to be loved as is. We are taught to  judge self and others mercilessly from the time we are still in diapers.


Yet taking back our power and returning to a state of full empowerment requires our willingness to understand that everything is alive and conscious. The conventional education of all children conditions us all, regardless of the cultural background in which we are raised, to perceive the totality of the world which presents an extremely limited and mythological view of life. Thriving requires us to shed the skin of all that we once believed to be real and true and forces us to live in the now.

Here are some examples how all of us give our power away:

  1. We entrust the state of our health to doctors, thinking that so-called experts know more that we do about our own bodies and what we need to be healthy.
  2. We allow other people, also “experts” to tell us what we should or should not eat.
  3. We give away our self-love to people who tell us what is beautiful and what or who deserved to be admired or loved. We begin to criticize the way we look, and our hearts feel sad. This is very detrimental to our health.
  4. We believe that we cannot make a living doing the work we love, using our talents. We give away the majority of the waking hours of our adult lives to doing work that is not satisfying and which does not benefit the well-being of all people, animals, plants, and the planet.
  5. We rely on yet other “experts” to tell us how to relate to other people, including in intimate relationships.
  6. We condition our children to fit into a system, criticizing the parts of their personalities and behaviors, and even medicating them so that they will fit in. By doing this, we give away large portions of our psychic energy.


Before we can fully take back our power, there is a lot of work to be done. Much of this work we can accomplish by looking within our own hearts and minds and by learning to embrace the parts of self that we have neglected for so long. This is a healing process. We can change our own DNA and modify our own cellular structure by releasing energetic blocks caused by patterns of living and thinking that are harmful to the human as a creative being.

The Earth, as a conscious planetary being, is also evolving and healing, and this evolution involves some turmoil. It is easy to observe the chaos around us as our political, religious, financial, educational, and other institutions and established ways of being that embodied survival, manipulation, and exploitation founder and collapse. This cultural paradigm which required that we allow ourselves, the plants, the animals, the water, air, minerals, and soil to be used as resources is quickly shifting and deconstructing, as is the planet herself.


The transition between survival and thriving is made more difficult by the fact that most people are still not conscious. There is a lot of fear, anger, and aggression embodied in people and in our institutions and way of life and being. For example, in my neighborhood, there is a considerable amount of crime. Break-ins, car theft, etc. The convention of duality that is so ingrained in people is hard to break. Those who steal embody disrespect of others and lack of self-love. By their actions, they speak a language which expresses that they feel the need to take from others what they feel they don’t deserve or cannot earn. They implicitly believe that the universe is not abundant, but they want to experience abundance through disrespect. Those who are victims of the thieving express fear and anger. They want to protect their way of life and their property. The possibility of a world in which there is enough for everyone and where everyone respects self and others seems unreachable, impossible.


How can this gap be breached? To create a way of life based on love and respect, it is necessary to face the monsters inside of each of us which prevent us from living together in a loving manner right now. Not everyone is ready to make the leap. Even those who are educated and who believe themselves to be spiritually evolved are not necessarily any further ahead than those who have been less privileged.


The divine feminine has been suppressed from our cultures, institutions, from the light of day for thousands of years. All of the wisdom needed to create a balanced human being and balanced social structures have been kept from our awareness and out of reach of our love or of our intellect. To become creative beings once again and to let go of the passive-aggressive culture of a repressed feminine will take some work and some time.

minjae lee

In Dolores Cannon’s 2011 book “The New Earth: The Three Waves of Volunteers”,  she explains that while the Earth undergoes extensive turmoil in the form of mudslides, volcanic eruptions, and possibly a meteor which causes much of land to be temporarily submerged by water, many people will be taken temporarily to another location (another planet?) to weather the storm. I have heard several predictions that seem to indicate this possibility, though the state of our consciousness does seem to determine which timeline or outcome we will choose to experience during these times of turbulence. It will not be the same for everyone.


There is some impatience within me, as I would love to see more people eager to take a great leap forward, embracing the ability to look inward and to use our consciousness to create new realities from within and with one another. We have such huge potential for love and for the creation of realities which benefit all people, animals, plants, and our beautiful planet. From chaos to a new order does not seem like such a great leap to me, but, then again, I know it is for most of us, who cannot yet imagine a world without struggle or fear. Most people still believe that reality is something fixed that is outside of self, that we do not have the power to change. How wrong they are!

Microsoft harmony ad

I am very much looking forward to life on New Earth, and I know that in 2018 my mission will begin to fully unfold and be unveiled even to myself. I hope that I will have the courage to live without compromise, fully aligned with my purpose and my mission to help humanity and the planet in this challenging transition.


A layered imagination: receiving and transmitting light


Hello dearest readers,

Something happened to me recently in my imagination which I have never experienced before. I was playing out an active imaginary scene in my mind’s eye, when another image which was not intentionally orchestrated by my conscious self came and layered itself on top of my virtual movie. Like an overlay in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, the image of some plants was translucent but clearly visible.

chinese vase

This set me to thinking that there is either more than one source to the imagination, or more than one frequency of consciousness in which imagination can simultaneously play out. In other words, we can function on several channels at the same time, emitting and receiving imagery on various levels. In fact, perhaps I was transmitting my images in my conscious scenario that I was playing out. Maybe someone received my transmission and was responding to me.

imagination kite

Like a television that has multiple windows so we can watch more than one channel at the same time, our mind’s eye could very well be a receiver/transmitter. A sort of smartphone-like device that sends and receives  images.


In a holographic universe, where all of consciousness is entangled, we are constantly sending and receiving encoded messages here on Earth and perhaps beyond the confines of our planet. From what I understand, what we have been told is our junk DNA is in fact, when activated, responsible for our being fully connected to all information in the universe.


I have been working hard at cleansing myself of conditioned programs – all of the aspects of the social paradigm that keep us working jobs we hate, locked into fear, judgment of self and others, blame, shame, self-loathing, lack, and general misery. The more I clear out, the more room there is to receive and emit light and love – which are the fundamental characteristics of a free human being. It is exciting to think about creating without fear. Simply being my true self, but also communicating and sharing with other creative beings anywhere. We are our own Internet, and once we become fully online and connected, we won’t need technology as we know it any more.

northern lights

I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to communicate instantly with plants and animals. Outside of the conceptual confines of time and space, I imagine seeing and hearing the sounds and sights of a fully alive and connected universe. As I shut down the chatter of my conditioned mind and shift my intelligence down to my heart and throughout my entire body, I begin to see with all of my cells. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, between waking and sleep, I can see the geometric codes of reality, alive and flowing. Our reality is a living kaleidoscope, and we are part of this fabulous design.

quantum artist

Anomalisa, childhood, and the fading of wonder

anomalisa 2

Dearest readers,

Yesterday I was listening to an attempt to explain why time seems to speed up as we grow older. When we are young children, an afternoon stretches out for an eternity, whether or not we are enjoying ourselves. A summer break from school contains the perspective of endless freedom and joy. Why is it that the impression of the passage of time, which, while only a convention invented by humans for humans in the third dimension, changes so much as we age?

summer childhood

My personal impression and belief is that the closer we each are to high frequency energies and unity, which is the typical condition of early childhood but also of great wisdom and spirituality, the more timeless our experience of life becomes. I believe that artists, musicians, creatives, gardeners, empaths, and sensitives of all disciplines are more easily able to enter this zone of timelessness so prized in great works of art.

tarkovsky quote


I also once read that the convention of the clock or universal time was created because the powers that be realized that certain areas on the globe experienced faster or slower experiences of reality. In other words, zones such as sacred sites (cathedrals, mountains, pyramids, Druidic stone structures, cave paintings, etc.) and those living near these sites would experience a slowing down of time.



The high energy frequencies of these sites are the reason for which time and time again, humans would build sacred burial mounds, churches and other places of worship on these nodes, lay lines, and portals. I wonder if people who live near these places of pure energy experience longer life, more wonder, creativity in their lives? One could imagine that people vibrating at a higher frequency would be drawn to such sites. In the United States, places such as Mount Shasta, Mount Ida, Sedona, are among the high frequency sites.

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In contrast, places where there has been much war, death, and devastation, I would venture to imagine that time goes by faster. The Earth retains a memory of all that has occurred at each site. Fortunately, we are currently experiencing a cleansing of the planet. Gaia has chosen to heal herself, and as she raises her frequency, so has humanity begun this process of cleansing.


As we begin to heal, we also long to slow down and to live more simply. When we do slow down, it becomes easier to look inward and to reconnect to our imagination, intuition, and to our connection to the planet, one another, and to our highest versions. A simple life is conducive to a state of wonder. As we move from living in our heads to healing our emotional bodies and returning to our hearts, our senses open as well. The sychronicities that artists, sensitives, and the spiritually awake have always seen will become visible to everyone. It is really about paying attention and knowing that everything we perceive in the so-called “outside” world is conscious and speaking to us.


This childlike sense of wonder that our current society beats out of us in a very intentional manner from such an early age is key to our happiness. As we each learn to deeply love our self and to see every other being and thing as alive, conscious, and connected to our self, the beauty of the world, of humanity will become apparent to us again. Instead of judging and constantly criticizing self and others, we will feel joy and remember that we are all creators of realities. Knowing we are powerful and that we create our lives from within at each moment is a great generator of wonder. Instead of living as victims in a world that goes against most of our innate beliefs about life, we can now choose and take responsibility for our experiences of reality every day.


The movie “Anomalisa”, directed by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman (director of my favorite film, “Being John Malkovich”), is a great example of how we live in our heads, how we allow our adult self to be controlled and brainwashed by the illusion of a societal vision of reality, and how wonder brings life back into full color.

Free download bluray 1080p 720p movie google drive Being John Malkovich, USA, 1999, Spike Jonze, Cameron Diaz, Eric Weinstein, John Cusack, Ned Bellamy.jpg

In the film, all of the characters are very realistic animated puppets. Unlike in “Being John Malkovich”, where real people manipulate one another like puppets, and where the puppets in the film have strings, the situation in “Anomalisa” is more enigmatic. There is no duality between “reality” and “fiction”. The entire reality is composed of puppets. In Kaufman’s artistic reality, puppetry is very symbolic of how we live co-dependent lives as victims and manipulators. We live in separation from self and see others as a source of joy, wonder, pleasure, energy…whatever it is we feel we lack to be whole, sovereign beings. Both films are very philosophical but can be enjoyed on various levels.


The main character of “Anomalisa” is a motivational speaker, Michael Stone, from the U.K., who has come to Cincinnati, Ohio for a customer service conference. All of the other characters in the film share the same male voice (played by actor Tom Noonan), with the exception of Lisa (voice by Jennifer Jason Leigh), a young woman who ends up spending the night in Stone’s hotel room. All of the events are fairly banal. We, as viewers, sense that Stone is depressed. He lives a conventional life: he is married, has a child, and a good career. People appear to like him. Yet he feels alone, separate from the remainder of humanity. The emotional connection between Stone and life has been severed, and he lives inside his head. Which is why everyone speaks with the same voice. He cannot relate to others, differentiate people from one another, or see the beauty in the uniqueness of each person.

anomalisa 3.jpg

Lisa, who is a customer service representative, is attending the conference with a more vivacious and charismatic friend and co-worker. Lisa seems to lack self-esteem due to scarring from an injury, which has also affected her emotional well-being. Michael and Lisa connect, and they sleep together. They discuss the meaning of the word “anomaly”, which is why Stone begins to call her Anomalisa. He begins to open his heart, to differentiate her from other people, to see her and feel her presence as alive. He begins, for a short time, to come alive himself.


Because, like most of us, Michael is trained to see love and completeness as something outside of self which is inaccessible,  he yearns to find wonder and emotional completeness in the world. When he meets Anomalisa and her presence touches him, he sees her as an anomaly in his dull, emotionally colorless life. After they sleep together, and Lisa expresses a desire to continue the relationship beyond the spontaneous experience of that evening, her individual voice fades into the male monotone of all of the other characters in the film. As Michael Stone disconnects emotionally from his own heart and from Lisa, his sense of wonder leaves him once again.


The film is very interesting because the puppets are so very real. They move and live in a world exactly like the one that has been created for us. And this is fascinating because it shows us up front that our collective reality is in fact an illusion. It looks real, and it evokes all of the emotions we experience in the collective nightmare that has been given to us as reality. This is disturbing until we wake up and realize as Kaufman has that the world our culture has given to us is not reality.

puppets 2

When we reawaken to wonder and to our true human abilities as creators and emotional beings, we can step out of our puppet skins. We can stop fooling our self, stop manipulating others to get what we think we need to be happy. We can take back our power and create beauty and emotional satisfaction in our own lives. Wonder is at our fingertips at every moment. All we need to do is slow down, stop, look, listen, and see. We live in a magnificent world, full of beautiful emotional beings. We have been taught to put up walls around our self. To protect self from others. We leave reality and we become lonely, hurt, disappointed. The monstrous world of narcissism, co-dependency, manipulation, but also of artistic creation reflected in Kaufman’s films is a wonderful mirror to help us, as human beings, to remember who we really are.

charlie kauffman

Nightlight (a poem)


Darkness roils.

Chokes dams and infants

a force that appears to clog opportunity

Angry, hands tied to bi-polar swing

state of emergency alternates with somnolence

pendulum regular

Groups sway to a chaotic yet predictable rhythm

distracted by temptation

Pulled by illusion

And then, the syrup of night

which once manifested gigantic muscular hands crushing tendon and bone

surprisingly faded to weak

without the shadow of doubt or fear to feed it.

The child awoke from a nightmare.

Comfort of light painted relief from dark terror

The absence of light was nothing but spinning, stories spun from habit

and the passive creation of real life

The awakened child knows better.

Crayon in hand

She draws the world she wants to live in.


Comforted by her own power.

A new paradigm on Earth


mind-blowing-nature-painting-by-jung-hwan-4We tend to think of reality as something that is stable and which changes independently of our own will. Reality is outside of self, and if you believe in a creative source, most likely you have been taught that this powerful being is also outside of your self. This vision of reality implies we are separate from one another. We are weak actors struggling to compete with others for resources and for our personal survival. Above all, we play a role of adaptation rather than one of creation.

In the new paradigm, into which humanity has been evolving over the last thirty years, every person is a creator, actively participating in the manifestation of reality. A conscious actor, the human being uses intent in thought and feeling to shift energies across the planet. Entanglement and other concepts of quantum physics are allowing us to realize that we are much more powerful than we once thought.

We now know that consciousness is not limited by the brain. The mind is not contained inside the skull, and our thoughts are not protected by bone, muscle, flesh or hair. When we allow a negative or judgmental thought about ourself or about another person enter our mind and we don’t consciously reject that thought, the negative thought or belief then is authorized by our intent to create reality. This negativity influences how we feel about ourself, how we feel and act towards others. But more than that, this negative thought emanates from our body into the unified field around us. It has infinite repercussions. And because we are all connected to one another within this unified field, the object of our thoughts also feels impacted by the thought.

When we become aware as conscious creators or artists of reality, we immediately realize how important it is to be responsible for our thoughts and our feelings, as well as our actions. We begin to think about the possible consequences for our thoughts or feelings and beliefs. This affects how we choose to think at every moment. Once we begin to choose positive and loving beliefs and thoughts for ourself and all of those in our sphere, our attitude and even our health begin to change. We become more loving and compassionate…of ourselves and of others.

We can no longer be tricked or manipulated by politics, advertising or news. Our minds and hearts become calm, and we are not sucked into drama.

We begin to encourage others and absorb the beautiful, loving energies of our planet and the universe into our bodies and our being. And we actively reject negative, hurtful, or non-beneficial energies from our minds, hearts, and bodies.

Most importantly, we realize that we are powerful. We are creating reality. One thought at a time.