Intuition and healing plants

pin-bark oral-health-lips

Dearest readers,

It is not yet universally accepted that almost all humans on Earth have lived many lifetimes, not always on this planet. Many religions do accept this principle, and I feel that humans would have more peace of mind if this reality of the immortality of the soul became more widespread outside of religious belief. It would explain many mysteries. Because there is no time in higher dimensions, past, present, future “incarnation” memories remain imprinted in our DNA. We all have access intuitively to all information that we have experienced in any incarnation.

shamanic healing

For those of us who have been shamans, healers, hunters, people or beings who were intimate with nature, plant life, healing, and other dimensions during timelines which are outside of our current experience, we can delve into our memories and bring up invaluable information about healing.


It is a simple process, and with the resource of the internet at hand, we can check our intuitions against scientific and medical research as well as the knowledge of botanists and herbalists world-wide. It is possible that your intuitions may reveal information of which current humans are not aware.


When I look inward and ask questions about “past” lives or “future” incarnations, I see many experiences as a Native American healer/shaman, in ancient Mexico, China, Mongolia, as well as in North America as a plant scientist 500 years from now. Sometimes I feel dubious about these visions, but the more I learn about reality and consciousness, the more I realize that humanity has not been told a shred of truth about our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our true abilities, our DNA, our history, current events, and our place in the universe.

ancient chinese healer

Recently, I was experiencing intense nerve pain in my teeth on the right side of my face, which intermittently was radiating throughout my jaw. Since I don’t like to take pharmaceutical medications or pain killers, I decided to ask myself what natural substance I could take to relieve dental pain. After I asked myself the question, I sat quietly and waited for an answer. The answer came in the form of an image. A close-up image of the bark of a pine tree.

pine bark

I looked online to see if there was any information about pine bark to alleviate tooth/nerve pain. And, voilà, there I found that French maritime pine bark extract and its chemical component pycnogenol, while used for a variety of purposes (clarity of mind, heart health, circulatory issues) is also similar to aspirin without the negative side-effects on the liver and stomach. I also found a fascinating article about pine bark extract and how it can protect and enhance the life of dentine, the fleshy substance between the tooth enamel and root of the tooth. In this study, extracts from the Chinese red pine, pinus massoniana were used:

Natural News) Good news for the 80 percent of us who have resin tooth fillings: a new extract can delay our dentist trips by years. Pine tree bark extract is shown to alter the chemical structure of our teeth, strengthening them, and allowing our fillings to bind to them better. This is achieved due to the compounds in the extract that strengthen dentine, the tissue layer beneath the enamel of the teeth.

Dr. Guido Pauli of the University of Illinois at Chicago says the “weak link in the chain of bonding is the interface between the resin and the dentine. We have clear evidence that our intervention materials change this interface much to the better.” Dr. Pauli is referring to his recent tests that suggest the tree bark extracts can strengthen dentine by as much as ten times. Considering the current lifespan of a resin tooth filling, these new findings suggest a ten-year extension.

Charentes Maritimes

How did my inner self/intuition know about the wonders of pine bark? I believe the image I saw, which was a close-up of the bark was quite accurate. It did not show me the entire tree – just the bark. Which signifies that my intuition was quite clear in its intention of what it was attempting to show me. The next time you have an issue with your body or health, try this out to see if you possess intuitive knowledge or ancient experience with plants. You may or may not, depending on your soul experience in various incarnations.

Buddha log

If you feel that you are very close to nature and drawn to plants and gardening, and if you are interested in health and healing, there is a chance that this knowledge is lying dormant in your DNA. Ask yourself simple, pointed questions. Wait for the answers. They may come in different forms, depending on how your intuition works. There are many ways to access intuition. It can be through sound, words, automatic writing, images, short “video” like sequences, hearing a song or conversation, seeing printed materials, online videos or articles, or synchronistic events. Practice using your intuition to know yourself better and to hone your talents. It is a lot of fun, and you can use your age-old abilities to help others too!

Luminous Earth: a watercolor


Luminous Earth (1)

Dearest readers,

Our bodies are made of simple Earth minerals, crystals (silica), carbon, iron, yet we are the most complex technology existing on our planet. We hold such reverence for electronics, western medicine, and other scientific discoveries, yet our own human capabilities far outstrip these primitive efforts at understanding the body and the universe. A vector for galactic consciousness, our bodies through our DNA and spinal column are antennae which channel energy from our planet, the sun, and beyond. We are each a living miracle, yet we hide our hearts and hang our heads in shame, judging and punishing ourselves mercilessly.

I made this watercolor (Luminous Earth) last weekend, and the featured image (Bluebird and Crystals) today. The images showed me how much my body is connected to Mother Earth, to all of the plants, rocks, and all of life here on Earth. The birds – beings who remind us of our freedom and beauty – peck at the body, revealing the light inside, which flows outward, helping me to remember my divine origins.

I am very hopeful that collectively humanity is in the process of remembering our true identity, origins, and abilities. As we let go of living from our heads and returning to our innate heart-centered unified field of being, I believe we will at last be released from the torture that is the selfish survival culture to which we have been subjugated for so many thousands of years.

How can we live harmlessly?


Dearest readers,

Before our presidential elections in 2016, I was collecting signatures to help get the Green Party’s Jill Stein on the ballot in the State of Georgia. Among the people I approached for the petition was a young organic farmer at a local outdoor market. As we discussed farming, life, philosophy, and a variety of fascinating topics, this sensitive young man told me that while many idealize farming and rural life, in reality, farming is all about killing living beings. He seemed genuinely distressed, for while he was dedicated to producing quality food for humans, his practice destroys the lives of insects, plants, and small animals despite his best intentions.


Is it possible to live harmlessly? And if not, what intention can we set as human beings to live compassionately, loving and honoring self and all of Earth, her creatures, plants, trees, soil, rocks? What can we do in our daily lives to preserve and honor life? How can we change our habits and the way we think and act to move towards harmlessness?


My heart is deeply connected to Gaia, and each day I communicate empathically with small mammals, birds, trees, clumps of moss. On my way home from work today, I saw with horror that two beautiful live trees had been uprooted at a construction site where they had previously been cordoned off. Believing the builders had intentionally preserved the stand of old trees, and I cried as I sat at the stop light, sending my loving thoughts and prayers to Mother Earth for the loss of these beautiful beings.


The vegan and vegetarian movements are an increasingly heeded response to the call for heightened consciousness about the beauty, intelligence, and dignity of farm animals. Many people are not aware of the intense suffering of farm animals. How many know that calves are systematically removed from their mothers on dairy farms, and that these calves are often brutally murdered. The cows are constantly impregnated so that they continue to give milk, and their babies are taken away from them each time. At the end of the cow’s useful life, she is slaughtered.


If we project this suffering onto a human mother, we can easily imagine the soul-crushing distress that these animals must experience. How would we feel about human beings treated in this manner? Human slavery does exist, and over twenty seven million human beings, including young children, suffer the unspeakable cruelty of forced prostitution, pedophilia, slavery, and organ harvesting. Billions of farm animals today live as slaves, treated as inanimate objects. The level of consciousness today that supports human and animal slavery is indeed very low.


Most people also don’t give much thought to human farm workers who are more often than not exploited, underpaid, exposed to harmful chemicals, with long working hours and no benefits. Much produce is picked by children who don’t have the opportunity to go to school. The vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are, alas, far from harmless.


I believe that young children instinctively understand, love, and honor all animals. If adults model compassionate behavior to children and if it were to become unthinkable to eat any animals, this dietary standard could quickly shift. Also, as human consciousness rises and the energetic frequency of human thought and DNA shift, our bodies become less dense. The light body flourishes on a lighter diet. It is going to become easier to eliminate meat from our diets.



As we become more evolved spiritually, our bodies follow suit. As human evolution progresses, humanity will eventually collectively adapt to a new cellular structure and eat less and less. At some point, our bodies will need only light and perhaps water to thrive. When we transform from humans to quantum, multi-dimensional light beings, we will be able to live harmlessly. Until then, we can strive to live consciously and compassionately.


Today, even if we make the choice to avoid consuming animals or at least to decrease consumption or choose only to eat animals who were raised with love, respect, and dignity, we are still not living harmlessly. We are living consciously, but not harmlessly. Plant life is conscious. Our planet is conscious. Everything we do creates harm. When we pull up weeds, mow our lawn, eat vegetables, we are creating harm. Life as we know it in our current human form cannot be sustained without creating some harm. However, plants and animals raised with love, care, dignity, and respect contain a higher energy frequency than plants or animals raised on industrial or feedlot farms. Our energetic vibrations affect everyone we touch.


Nature shows us this. Animals who are carnivores eat other animals, but they are not greedy. They never take more than they need to live. And when they die, they too are either eaten or return to the soil. When we grow plants with conscious intent and love, and when we give gratitude and thanks for the lives sacrificed that we may live, we move to a place of love. Gratitude is a necessary complement to consciousness. This is the reason humans pray over food. We are all part of nature.


Because humanity has for centuries avoided being part of Nature’s food chain, we have lost sight of our place in nature. By consciously working to release conditioning, negativity, fear, judgment of self and others, shame, lack or poverty consciousness, greed, and other mental and physical blockages that keep our energy levels, thoughts, and behaviors base and low, we can make room for more light and love in our lives each day.



The most important and most misunderstood aspect of love and unity consciousness is self-love. Without self-love, we all remain in the dark. God never judges us, but we human beings never cease to judge ourselves and one another. Until we are able to release all of this negativity, the light and love which are already inside of us cannot be expressed. Self-love is mastery. When we master self-love, we become beings of light. This is how we were designed, and the reality we will one day create collectively as light beings is known as “heaven on Earth”.


Today, we all have a unique opportunity to open up to the light and love that is inside of our hearts. We are being supported by the Universe, by the sun, and by the inhabitants of our galaxy, as well as by Gaia. The human being never stops evolving. We are all at different places in our personal evolution. We can all choose to look into our own hearts and find love for self, our fellow human beings, and for all of the living creatures on Earth, as well as for our home planet. Just knowing that everything we perceive is an expression of consciousness and sentient energy is a great start. Reality is love. We create reality using our hearts. It is time to start living responsibly and consciously. Living harmlessly starts here.


Chlorophyll with intent


Plants  are our silent partners. We eat them. We put them in pots on our windowsills. A few amongst us talk to them, commune with them.

Plants are multi-sensory beings whose lives are much more complex than we imagine. Many people love to think of them as decorative accessories rather than living conscious entities with social networks. Plants are not passive creatures, and even though they are mostly rooted into the Earth or onto a host of some kind, they move, communicate, strategize, and even assassinate four legged mammals on occasion.

Because they cannot move as quickly as we can, our leafy companions have devised a myriad of survival tactics to outwit those who are intent on consuming them or otherwise destroying them. We have so much to learn from plants, and they have much to teach us. Through our DNA, we can access a multidimensional history of experiences through countless lifetimes in which we have interacted with plants.

Perhaps you were a shaman, healer, or midwife in a past incarnation. All of those memories are recorded in your DNA and in the planet. Through intuition, you can dialogue with yourself, those memories, and access an infinite library of information about the history of humanity and our relationship with plants and other beings.

Even without considering multiple incarnations, as human beings become increasingly multidimensional, we will begin to more easily access our higher self and the vast web of relationship with other beings of all types. As this sensitivity and empathy towards life grows, we will find ourselves easily communicating intuitively with flora and fauna. Delving below the superficial appearances of what we have thought of as familiar yet silent beings, we are in for  many surprises.