Intuitive self-vaccination: Reduce viral load naturally


Hello dearest readers,

I am an artist and an intuitive. Although I love to do research, I am not a scientist. This blog is all about intuition, and how we connect with our own innate ability to know things that are true without scientific study or inquiry, because we all innately have the ability to connect with all information that exists in the Universe.

We all have the power to intuitively connect to and download knowledge about anything that has ever been explored in our Universe

I traveled to Finland the first week in March, and I was exposed to many people from all over the world. My trip caused me to pass through four countries, five international airports, and to take six flights, all in the space of one week. Before, during, and after my trip, I consumed herbal potions to protect myself from the COVID-19 virus and to boost my immune system. After my return to the United States on March 8th, I felt fine, but I had a scratchy throat, slight headache, and very slight chills for a few days afterwards. I continued with my herbal preparations and was fine.

Do multiple micro-exposures to COVID-19 create a self-vaccination experience?

Since March 8th, I have been working from home and going to stores only when necessary. I do walk my dog every day. What I have noticed is that each time I venture out to grocery stores or to the Home Depot – to places where I am exposed to a lot of people at close proximity, those same symptoms appear one day later…but each time the symptoms are slightly less strong and disappear more quickly after I use my herbal remedies. I feel as if, at this point, it may be impossible to go to a public place where many people go without coming into contact with this virus.

It is highly possible that everyone who does go out to public places has already been exposed to COVID-19.

My personal theory is, based on self-observation and self-experimentation, that (if indeed it is the COVID-19 virus to which I have been exposed), that repeated micro-exposures to the virus without allowing oneself to become fully ill, create a self-vaccination effect. My son, who lives in Finland, told me that he too has experienced the same symptoms repeatedly, and he is taking the same anti-viral herbs that I am using. (Scroll down to the bottom of the post for a list of the herbal treatments I use regularly.)

Anti-viral and immune support herbs and plants, in my personal experience, provide nearly immediate and long-lasting relief from flu or COVID symptoms

This post contains information about my personal experiments and experiences with specific medicinal herbs that I use personally for preventive anti-viral treatment. Your body may have sensitivities that I don’t have. Every person’s body, mind, and spirit is unique. Many plants often can and do adapt to our individual makeup. These types of plants are called adaptogens. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine from India often uses adaptogenic plants in its prescriptions, which take into account personality types as well.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs and synthetic chemical compounds, plants distilled into teas, tinctures, essential oils and other products often adapt to our specific biology

Self-care is so important. We allow ourselves, often without realizing it, to get run down. A healthy body must move around regularly and extensively. We must look near and far with our eyes. Our human spirit needs to be creative, our mind and emotions active and engaged. We need to be outdoors, exposed to sunlight and fresh air. Our bodies need fresh spring water that contains minerals and the energetic signature of our Mother Earth. We are conditioned to think of health as compartmentalized, and often focus only on the physical body without taking into account our mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

Regular exposure to fresh air, sunlight, contact with soil and soil-based microorganisms, and consumption of pure spring water are essential for maintaining health

We need to ground ourselves in the Earth and walk barefoot. The ever-present signals from electronic devices and WiFi are also disturbing to our bodies and cellular integrity. And frequently we need to be alone with ourselves to recharge our connections to our Higher Self which lives outside of our physical body.

Health is a multi-layered thing, and we are not sacks of chemicals as we have been taught. A human body is an electro-magnetic vehicle and, if understood properly, a powerful antenna connected to Earth and to the cosmos. We have been conditioned to live artificially, in separation from self, the Earth, all of Nature, from one another, and from the Universe. This separation is the inherent source of all sickness and imbalance on our planet.

A human body is actually a powerful antenna and a vehicle which allows us to travel multi-dimensionally

Contemporary society and lifestyle are inherently unhealthy. Our air and water are intentionally polluted and dead. Many people spray the soil with chemicals, making it difficult to walk barefoot. Our food is full of toxic pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs. Yet there are things we can do to help ourselves to be unified and healthy, mind, body, and spirit.

The current paradigm which we have been conditioned to accept as the one and only reality is based on separation from love and truth, lack, fear, shame, and guilt

I see a lot of people becoming very anxious trying to cleanse all surfaces to prevent illness and contagion. While keeping your hands clean and avoiding touching your face is obviously key to prevent yourself from contracting the COVID-19 and other viral infections, there are other ways to maintain health and to prevent illness by viral infection.

In fact, anxiety and stress weaken the immune system and make a person more prone to becoming ill. The proof being if you carry the Herpes virus, which most people do in one form or another, it will make an appearance as soon as you feel stressed or worried.

Fear, worry, and stress weaken the immune system

In this post, I will share with you some highly effective and completely natural preventive strategies that can possibly help keep you, friends, and family from becoming ill, or which can, if used conscientiously, reduce the viral load you are carrying in your body.

Natural remedies and whole-food plant-based medicines work best to prevent illness and to reinforce the immune system.

Natural remedies and whole-food plant-based medicines work best to prevent illness and to reinforce the immune system. When you are already sick, it is more difficult to heal using plant medicines, in my personal experience.


I like to use tinctures, making mixtures which I call my “potions” to prevent colds, influenza, and other viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. Here is a list of some tinctures I use to maintain wellness, for immune support, and to prevent viral infections:

  • Olive Leaf Extract – I use Now Foods Olive Leaf Glycerite, adding a dropperful to a glass of water. Olive trees live thousands of years, thanks to several substances contained in the leaves of the olive tree which assist the tree in resisting disease and which promote long life.  Oleuropein, which is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal is the active ingredient in olive leaf extract.
  • ViraSecret (by Secrets of the Tribe). Contains: Echinacea Root, Elder Flower, Oregon Grape Root, Lemon Balm Leaf, Calendula Flower, Cat’s Claw Inner Bark
  • Echinacea – A well-known and commonly used immune support plant. Well-documented. Some people are sensitive to echinacea.
  • Lomatium Specific for respiratory infections & high
    fevers, coughs, colds, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, SARS
    and asthma; as well as other infections & related conditions. Some people are allergic to this plant or plants from the Apiaceae family. Click on link for more details.
  • Heal-All (Prunella vulgaris) – As its name indicates, Heal-All is a great all-round tincture to support general immune health. Assists in fighting infections, preventing cancer. Has been used to treat herpes and other viral infections.
  • Dandelion Root – Cleansing, excellent detox and immune support.
  • Violet (an expectorant, relieving asthma, cough, as well as being an effective anti-tumor and immune support agent)


  • Pao d’arco Inner bark Made from the inner bark of a tree found in the Amazon rain forest, pao d’arco is an amazing anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial agent. The aroma is delicate and cucumber-like. One teaspoon goes a long way. If you have a yeast infection, oral thrush, or a cold or flu virus, pao d’arco is wonderful and complements a variety of teas. It is said to be poisonous in large quantities, but only small quantities are needed to prevent colds and infections.
  • Stinging Nettle An important nutritive herb, nettles are amazing for fortifying the body. Used in conjunction with oat straw and lemon or vinegar (acid) for improved absorption, helps to build bone strength and is a great immune support and general health herb.


  • Elderberry You can make your own elderberry syrup. It keeps well in a sterilized glass jar in the refrigerator for at least a month or more. I buy organic dried berries and boil them for at least 45 minutes with a teaspoon of dried cinnamon bark. Added to tea with lemon, honey, fresh sliced garlic cloves, and fresh ginger, this tea is excellent for preventing flu, colds, and other viruses when you feel the first symptoms coming on. Drink several large cups of this tea with a shot of elderberry syrup per day. It has worked miracles for me!

Oral Rinses

  • I make my own anti-bacterial/anti-viral/anti-fungal mouthwash/rinse using cold-pressed organic coconut oil (1 scant tablespoon), 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil, 2-3 drops myrrh essential oil, and 2-3 drops of clove essential oil. Mix well, as oregano oil is very potent and can burn the mouth if in direct contact. Allow coconut oil to melt in mouth and swish around and/or gargle for 20 minutes. Allow the oils to strain between your teeth for gum and dental health. Spit into container. Do not put in compost or spit into sinks or toilets, as coconut oil hardens and will clog drains. The oregano oil will kill microorganisms in compost or soil and can harm plants. This rinse will heal oral thrush and prevent a lot of infections before they start.


  • Bentonite clay
  • Dandelion tincture or tea
  • Neem bark powder
  • Schisandra berry  powder
  • Milk Thistle
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Coconut Oil

Our bodies don’t work as efficiently as they should because of our natural filtration systems (liver, kidneys) being overloaded with toxins. So many products used daily for cleaning, daily hygiene, beauty, food as well as toxins in the air, water, and soil are absorbed by our bodies. If we don’t assist our body in detoxing on a daily basis, the body cannot work efficiently to fight off illness and invasive mutant cells, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Daily detox is necessary to restore and maintain balance in the body. My favorite detox regimens include primarily liquid Bentonite clay (add 1 tablespoon to a glass of water and drink apart from taking any vitamin or mineral supplements), and dandelion tinctures or teas. There are many plants that assist liver and kidney health, and you can try an assortment, one at a time, to see what works best for you.

Essential oils

  • Tea tree oil
  • Oregano essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Cinnamon essential oil

Nuts, seeds, fruits, mushrooms, and berries

  • Brazil nuts (raw only) contain high concentrations of selenium, which is key for immune health
  • Medicinal mushrooms (powder can be added to smoothies, yoghurt, salads, etc.)


Smoothie ingredients

  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Wheat Grass
  • Moringa Leaf
  • Astragalus Root
  • Irish Moss
  • Ashwaghanda
  • Schisandra berry
  • Medicinal mushroom powder
  • Camu camu ( a great source of Vitamin C)

Foods to avoid

  • Sugars
  • Grains
  • Dairy products (especially pasteurized from non-organic, non-pasture-raised cows) Dairy, grains and cereals, and sugars are inflammatory and cause phlegm, which is not good for respiratory health.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

  • Vitamin C (I use organic camu camu fruit powder (from Peru) – very high in Vitamin C.)
  • Vitamin D3K2 (I like Now Foods D3K2 liposomal spray, since I don’t swallow pills.)
  • Zinc
  • Trace minerals – beware of heavy metal contamination in fulvic mineral supplements. Read reviews, testing reports, and investigate suppliers carefully before purchasing any plant or mineral supplement, tea, infusion, tincture, etc.
  • Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheat Grass, Moringa Leaf

Herbs and spices

Fresh ginger – Fresh ginger root is an amazing anti-inflammatory. I drink teas every day in which I steep then eat the sliced fresh ginger root. I used to get stiff after sleeping, but now joint pain is a thing of the past!

Oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme – all of these (and many other herbs contain turpenoids, which are natural antibiotics and sanitizers.) Use in cooking, teas and infusions, and to add to DIY home cleaning and hand sanitizer products.

Hand sanitizer/Hand care

Alcohol is very drying for the skin. A small amount of coconut oil with a few drops of lavender, rosemary, or tea tree oil make an excellent moisturizing hand sanitizer.

Natural DIY cleaning products for the home

Boil fresh rosemary in water and add white vinegar, lavender essential oil, and a citrus essential oil for a fragrant antibacterial kitchen or bathroom cleaner. Bleach is a neuro-toxin and is best avoided, and many commercial cleaning products contain perfumes which are hormone disrupters, which are very detrimental to reproductive and general health.


Intuitive paths to health

guinea pigs eating

Dearest readers,

I’ve been working on surrendering my life and individual will to my Higher Self. Meaning that I am doing my best to allow flow to return to my life and to be receptive to intuitive guidance regarding health, career, family, home, relationships, life purpose.

Flow, synchronicity, and ease come with relinquishing our lives to our own personal higher guidance, which is simply Self in a larger context.

Intuition means turning inward. To receive intuitive guidance, we need to be receptive. And to be receptive, we have to relinquish control of the ego and the mind over our lives.

Being receptive to our inner guidance is very relaxing and rewarding.

The brain is a receptor that stores information. We have all been conditioned, for better or for worse, to run our lives based on a set of values, beliefs, and information that we have been taught is true. All of the information stored by the mind comes from outside of self, and it clutters our inner life.

The brain is a tool. A receptor that stores information. It is not the source of consciousness.

To be receptive to intuition and higher guidance, it is necessary to let go of a lot of “junk” thoughts, beliefs, and pre-conditioned information.

Intuition can come in many forms and enter our awareness through dreams, art, music, people we encounter, things we see, situations in daily life, writing or journaling.

Our minds are full of non-original thoughts, beliefs, conditioning. Nothing new can come from or is stored in our brains.

There are as many ways to channel our Higher Self as there are different people with different talents. The most important aspect to receiving intuitive information is to pay attention to everything going on inside of ourselves as well as what we perceive in what we call our “outer reality”, which is actually just a projection of our inner emotional or mental state.

What we have been taught to perceive as the outside world is merely a projection of our inner mental and emotional states of being.

Recently, I have been asking for guidance about my health. Because I know that everything that exists is a fractal of the singular consciousness that most people call God, I also intuit that whatever I might receive is also an integral part of myself. Separation is an illusion, as is time.

I ask my Higher Self for guidance so that I can better support my health and to achieve my life goals, and to better serve the highest good of everyone and everything.

Which means that any health condition that we believe we have persists because we hold onto that belief. If I believe I have rotten teeth, they will continue to be rotten because my sense of reality is built around that construct.

Our beliefs determine our experiences of reality, including our states of health.

If I know that all parallel lives and timelines co-exist in oneness, and that time is concentrated in a single Now moment, this also means that every possibility of every experience that I could choose from to create and to experience is available to me right now.

Time is an illusion. Everything that could happen, that has ever happened, that will happen is all going on right now.

If I wish to be in perfect health right now, all I need to do is to choose that timeline/reality and to embody it completely. This requires completely letting go of all beliefs in a material, linear reality where things simply don’t change very easily.

Trust is a prerequisite for perfect health.

To heal instantly simply requires that we adapt our mindset and accept a paradigm shift. That we make a quantum leap in our thinking and being.

Our current culture, especially in the United States, is a culture of doing, rather than being. It is a hyper-masculine culture. To sit and be quiet, to be receptive to one’s own thoughts and feelings (a feminine perspective), are fairly foreign to this culture and are generally deprecated. To be feminine, to be intuitive, has been judged, shamed, condemned as weak.

Doing is male. Being is female. Neither one is better than the other. Both are crucial for life balance.

Yet this is what our world needs now. We need balance, and we need to take charge at the same time. By restoring the feminine as an active part of our culture and by restoring balance to the proportion of masculine and feminine dynamics in our cultures, we can restore intuition into our daily lives and practices. We can learn to heal ourselves.

The Higher Self is a fractal of Oneness that has a more expanded perspective of reality. It can see everything, where I can only see a narrow slice.

Very recently, my own Higher Self communicated to me via YouTube videos, synchronicities, and dreams how to better care for my own health.

I have a bright orange little car. When I see the same make, model, year on the road, I know I am on the right track. My outer experience of reality gives me constant clues.

I was guided to walk barefoot and to connect to the energy field of the Earth or to use grounding mats to help heal my teeth and gums. I was also guided via dreams to avoid eating corn and to eat less and less frequently.

Everyone has their own intuitive, symbolic language. We do collectively, as human beings, share important symbols and archetypes, but personal subtleties will demonstrate that we each have our own creative language.

The language of intuition can be very colorful and not very literal. Getting to know your own imagination and language of symbols is important. As you journal, write down your dreams, write songs, poetry, spend more time in nature, meditation, or just being quiet or alone without using technology, you will find your own way of communicating with your Higher Self.

Art and journaling, as well as dreams, are a great creative outlet and form of channeling my Higher Self.

Every human being living in a grounded body here on Earth does have an out of body guidance system. Even though it often feels as if we are alone here, we are not. It is important to ask for help and to get to know our Higher Self and spirit guides (or whatever you choose to call your inner guidance).

We are not alone here on Earth. We all have an out-of-body guidance system. Because of the law of free will, we do have to ask for help to receive it.

Because living in a physical body has equipped us with a strong Ego and survival instinct, it is challenging to let go of control and fear of being hurt, killed, or manipulated in some way. The culture of separation, however, is coming to an end, and it is time to heal from this illusion of limitation, suffering, and division from self, others, and all of Nature.

We can choose to live from Ego and try to control our own lives. This experience involves a lot of struggle. Flow can only be restored when we surrender our lives to our Higher Self. This is not easy!

We each have to power to restore balance to our bodies: mental, physical, emotional, and energetic. Balance is health, and balancing is healing. Because we have for so long relinquished control of our well-being and of our lives to forces outside of self, our lives and our worlds are in chaos. To surrender to our Higher Self is to take back our power. For the Higher Self is our true self, in its fully empowered state.

To surrender to our higher guidance is to be fully empowered, because our Higher Self is within us, and is us. It is not surrendering our self or our freedom to external sources of power, information, or technology.

Instead of reaching out to the Internet, first touch base with your inner guidance system. Make a list of questions and speak them aloud. And then say: “Please guide me. Please show me what I need to know.” Then just pay attention. The answers will come quickly and in surprising ways!


The Conscious Diet: boosting what we know about food to what we know is good for our own bodies


Dearest readers,

Many of us begin our walk up the road to higher consciousness by becoming more aware of our health and how politics, industry, and our current societal paradigm shapes our experience of life. Little by little, as our awareness increases and our memories of our innate wisdom begin to awaken, these perceptions expand and unfold.


Last night, I was watching a well-made and worthwhile documentary on Netflix called The Magic Pill. The 2017 film delves into the age-old philosophy that the best medicine is food. After exploring global experience of chronic ailments by a variety of patients, the film extols the virtues of the ketogenic diet. When we eliminate carbohydrates from our diet (grains, sugars, most fruits) and replace them by meats, dairy products, vegetables, nuts and seeds, most people experience rapid improvement in their symptoms.

ke·toi·gen·ic di·et
  1. a diet that tends to promote the metabolic formation of ketone bodies by causing the body to use fat (rather than carbohydrate) as its principal energy source.

Our current Standard American Diet, which has spread around the globe, has us eating a low fat, high carbohydrate diet, which promotes the development of a multitude of health issues (which we were told we would avoid by adopting a low fat diet high in whole grains) including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and which aggravates the symptoms of autism and ADHD. A diet high in sugars and carbs creates an acidic environment in the body, favorable to anaerobic procreators such as cancer cells. Healthy cells require oxygen as fuel.

low carb diet

I have been aware of the ketogenic/intermittent fasting diets, which shares some similarities with the Paleo and  Atkins diets, through Dr. Joseph Mercola’s work. He has been promoting intermittent fasting the the benefits of eating a high fat/low carb diet rich in whole natural (unprocessed or minimally processed) foods for years. The raw food movement is also popular. As humanity ascends in consciousness, the density of the human body will eventually decrease. The food needed for the higher frequency body would move towards pure light, air, and water. Until our DNA structures, minds, emotions, and entire metabolism evolve to vibrate at that higher frequency, we will still need some form of food to fuel our cells. Raw plants are the closest we can get to consuming sunlight. Dr. Sebi, a healer with active innate knowledge of plants and the human body, called such foods “electric foods”, which give our mitochondria the fuel they need to maintain flow and homeostasis.

Dr. Sebi.png

What these diets do not take into account is our own consciousness, the consciousness of our cellular structure (the innate wisdom of the body), as well as the consciousness of plants, animals, and the planet.

Why is it that we are served an endless array of “miracle” solutions to our current health crises? Well-meaning people would like to find a single pathway to bring all people back to health. There are many reasons why a simple return for everyone back to a traditional diet is not as simple as it appears.


Because we are living in genetically diverse pool of people, for the most part, we are not certain of our heredity. We are all a mixed bag, some of us more than others. Indigenous groups of people who have never left their native soil and traditions are few and far between. Most of them, as reported in the film, have been diverted from their traditional diets by missionaries and colonialists, and have had their lifespans shortened dramatically in the process, and many now suffer from the chronic ailments that plague the peoples of the United States, Canada, and Europe.


This is where consciousness and tuning into our own bodies comes in. Because we have been separated by cultural amnesia from our traditional cultural diets and from a lifestyle that keeps us close to the Earth and its rhythms, and because we are exposed to so many toxins on a daily basis, we can no longer rely on tradition or on outside experts to tell us what we, as individuals, should eat from moment to moment, day to day.


We must become our own experts. To be healthy, we must remember our intuitive abilities. A meditation practice, or the discipline to sit quietly with oneself and perhaps with a journal and to learn to ask our body questions and to wait patiently for answers is a way to begin to hear what our body wants us to eat. It may vary from day to day. We can be creative, and find our own way to hear what our body wants to share with us.


For example, we could go to the grocery store, stop in front of a mango, a pear, a bunch of spring onions, and ask: this, or that? Then wait and see how you feel. If you feel without inner conflict, and get a good resonance from one food or another, then it is something your body wants. Or, you might just imagine in your mind’s eye what your body craves. There is no specific rule or way how to connect with your body and your inner self.

grocery store

Post WWII German healer Bruno Groening always advised people to listen carefully to their bodies. Any symptoms you might experience in your body deliver critical information. Much of our contemporary pharmaceuticals merely disguise symptoms instead of interpreting them. Few medical practitioners attempt to understand what the body is trying to tell us is out of balance, or where we have been ignoring its attempts to communicate with us!

Bruno Groening

If you are anything like me, then you have cravings at certain times of the day. Are the cravings conditioned mental responses or emotional eating patterns? I often overeat or snack when I am bored, because I literally don’t feel fulfilled. When I am doing work that I enjoy or when I am outdoors, I don’t feel hungry or empty. I don’t even think about eating. Sometimes I eat to feel comforted. Working with our mental habits and conditioned ways of thinking about self is helpful. Emotional eating is often due to a misalignment of our true self with our lifestyle choices. I know that food should not be a drug, but much of our culture teaches us that this is so.

Eating live on tv

To become a conscious and intuitive eater, gratitude and communication with the beings and energies we are consuming is also vital. As we move from a system of separation and duality where our bodies are treated as machines and food as fuel to a unified way of life in which everything is connected in a web of energy, light, sound, information – then the way we interact with our bodies, with plants, animals, and with one another will change radically.


From my perspective, the plants, animals, trees, air, water, soil, rocks, insects, and the planet herself are conscious beings who appreciate our recognition. Traditional cultures bless food and harvests for several good reasons. And without being religious, we can adopt or create our own spiritual practice of gratitude and communication with the specific energies of the beings who so generously give of themselves for our well-being and health.


Before eating or feeding my dog (for some reason, I am more diligent about this with my dog than I am for myself, but I am promising myself to be more mindful about my own body and my own feeding!), I thank individually and collectively all of the plants, animals, our galactic family, soul family, inner Earth family, Gaia, our source creator, the central sun, the air, water, elementals, angels and guides for their gifts and support, love, beauty, generosity, and wisdom. I vortex into the food and my own body and the bodies of my family members and dog the highest frequency light codes, creating an intention for coherence in our bodies and our food.

dog love

This is how I create fractal patterns of light in the food, water, and our cellular structure, simply by using my words, my consciousness, my imagination – which are all tools enabling my ability to create. Similarly, I remove all low frequency energies from my body, my son’s body, my dog’s body, and from our food, releasing with gratitude and love anything that does not serve our highest expression of health on every dimension and timeline – mental, physical, emotional, etheric (light body), from our DNA, from our ancestral lines. I transmute these energies through the violet fire back into pure source light, which is pure creative energy.


Our cells require light, water, and love to function optimally. Love is the ultimate creative, organizing energy, and with our consciousness, we have the power to create health. Health is simply a state of highly organized energy in the microcosm of the body that is created from an expansive and coherent intention from a place of love. Disease or ill health is a decomposition or disorganization of energies which are functioning from a place where alignment, authenticity, and clear intentions are lacking. Every cell needs our love and our intuitive communication of a loving intention to keep our body healthy.


We live in a society which promotes incessant judgment of self and others. These constant stresses on our physical, mental, and emotional bodies are more punishing to our health than are GMOs, fluoride, environmental poisons and toxins, high carb diets, and the like. Without love, the human being and the human body cannot thrive and live long. Sunlight, oxygen, and water are forms of light and the carriers of light and cosmic information to our cells and to our DNA. The human being is an elaborate communication system that is able to transmit and receive information from and to the entire Universe.


For thousands of years, we have not been using our powers. Like Rip Van Winkle in Washington Irving’s short story, we have been deeply asleep, and we have forgotten how magnificent we once were, and still are. We have allowed experts and authorities to tell us how to behave, how to eat, what kind of work to do, what and who is beautiful and what is ugly. We judge, divide, identify, discriminate without even realizing that this behavior is a destructive choice, until all we feel is stress, sadness, and anger. We live in pretense, and we can’t remember who we are.

waking up

When we wake up and begin to remember, we take back our power. We remember that we already know so much. Taking baby steps or leaps, we can all move at our own pace and find our own way back to being in touch with the magnificence of our bodies, minds, and hearts. A multidimensional being is so much more than a digestive system. We are all beings of light, and a being of light feeds on love, and projects love out into the world.


Flu boost: Give your body a boost this flu season


Dearest readers,

The human body is an incredible energy system. All of us are different, and it is important to be aware of your intuitive connection to both the Earth and to cosmic guidance. Our bodies are like antennae, deriving energy from the Earth through our feet and from the stars through the crowns of our heads. A person in balance does not usually fall ill, but since humanity has been disconnected from our true nature and abilities, energy blockages are common.


The foods we commonly eat today do not supply us with the energy we need. The assumption that the body is a machine that needs calories or heat units to function is completely erroneous. In fact, above all, the body needs oxygen, love, light, and the crystalline energy carried by water which relays information from the Earth and sky through our cellular structure. Our thoughts and beliefs are also extremely important to maintaining and creating health.

lemon water

That said, plants and the solar energy they embody, possess powerful healing properties that balance our energy systems and eliminate blockages quickly. By using intuition and knowledge, we can increase coherence in our bodies when the stress of low frequency energies such as viruses, fungi, and certain bacteria clog our cells and slow down our metabolic functions and produce chaos where there was once order.


This flu season, I put together a regimen for myself which may or may not work for you. If you try it out, you may want to tweak it to adapt it to your own body and cellular structure.


I have been taking oil of oregano (brand pictured above) mixed with coconut oil, ground cloves, and ground Neem bark powder for the last several months to reduce fungal overgrowth in my body to and heal a tooth abscess. I wanted to avoid taking antibiotics, even though this was the course of action recommended by my dentist. She was not opposed to my using herbal treatments, however. I prefer to rely on my inner wisdom and intuition, which I feel is a fail-safe source of knowledge of my own body and its needs. Of course, if you are not yet connected to your own higher self and intuitive wisdom, you will always want to consult your medical professional or holistic doctor/herbalist before embarking on a regimen involving plant-based medicines, as they are not without risks.


I started out with two drops of oregano oil in a tablespoon of coconut oil, gradually raising the dose to nine drops of oregano oil in the same amount of coconut oil over a period of months. I could actually feel the effect of the oil in my body. My tongue is no longer coated, and my hair and scalp stay clean longer.

Some people are reluctant to take oil of oregano internally because it contains thymol, which can be toxic. It is difficult to know, when purchasing oil of oregano, which type of oregano and how much thymol is contained in the product you buy. I would recommend caution using oil of oregano internally for adults, and I would not recommend its use at all for children. Olive leaf extract is a safer and quite effective alternative, but because of the toxic load we are all carrying, any detox plant or substance should be taken in progressive doses accompanied by increased water intake to reduce die-off effects, which can mimic flu-like symptoms.

One evening, after being around a lot of people who were suffering from the flu, bronchitis, and other winter scourges, I was feeling achy, tired, and my throat was hurting. I decided to do something about it and rummaged through my pantry.

This is what I came up with:

  • organic dried elderberries
  • unpasteurized raw honey
  • fresh garlic cloves
  • fresh ginger
  • echinacea extract
  • fresh lemon juice
  • Yogi brand Triple echinacea green tea

I boiled 1/3 of a cup of the dried elderberries in 2-3 cups of filtered water for about 45 minutes, as recommended on the bag. Elderberries, stems, leaves, and flowers can be toxic. The berries themselves must be cooked thoroughly before consumption. I added some honey to the mixture after straining out the cooked berries. The syrup can be taken for about five consecutive days but it is not recommended for long-term use.

Triple echinacea tea.png

I made echinacea tea, adding 10-15 drops of the echincacea extract (I have Eclectic Institute brand tangerine flavored Echinacea Premium Blend Glycerite Compound (alcohol free). I added a shot of the elderberry syrup, 3 minced cloves of garlic (let sit for about 10 minutes after grating before adding to tea), the juice of 1/2 organic lemon, a knob of fresh ginger cut into small chunks, and several tablespoons of the raw honey. Allow to steep so oils from garlic and ginger infuse into the tea.

I drank two big cups of this tea, then went to bed. I was worried I would miss work, since I was really feeling very poorly and I have to get up at around 3:30 am every day for my job. However, I slept deeply and well, and when I woke up, I felt absolutely fantastic. My body was energized, with no flu-like symptoms whatsoever.


Over the next couple of days, I drank this mixture, gradually decreasing the amounts of echinacea, garlic, and elderberry juice. No flu symptoms, no congestion, no cough, sore throat, no aches or pains have reappeared.

ginger tea

There are many plants, fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs which boost immunity, reduce free radical proliferation, and which oxygenate the body. Use your intuition to feel which of them will work best for you. Breathe deeply. Meditate and raise the energetic signature of your body to create flow and coherence. Release blockages and beliefs which no longer serve you, all with a gratitude and understanding that what was once helpful is no longer needed. Maintaining health is sometimes like clearing out your closet of items you no longer wear or need. Talk to your cells and thank them for loving and supporting you every moment of every day.

Intuition and healing plants

pin-bark oral-health-lips

Dearest readers,

It is not yet universally accepted that almost all humans on Earth have lived many lifetimes, not always on this planet. Many religions do accept this principle, and I feel that humans would have more peace of mind if this reality of the immortality of the soul became more widespread outside of religious belief. It would explain many mysteries. Because there is no time in higher dimensions, past, present, future “incarnation” memories remain imprinted in our DNA. We all have access intuitively to all information that we have experienced in any incarnation.

shamanic healing

For those of us who have been shamans, healers, hunters, people or beings who were intimate with nature, plant life, healing, and other dimensions during timelines which are outside of our current experience, we can delve into our memories and bring up invaluable information about healing.


It is a simple process, and with the resource of the internet at hand, we can check our intuitions against scientific and medical research as well as the knowledge of botanists and herbalists world-wide. It is possible that your intuitions may reveal information of which current humans are not aware.


When I look inward and ask questions about “past” lives or “future” incarnations, I see many experiences as a Native American healer/shaman, in ancient Mexico, China, Mongolia, as well as in North America as a plant scientist 500 years from now. Sometimes I feel dubious about these visions, but the more I learn about reality and consciousness, the more I realize that humanity has not been told a shred of truth about our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our true abilities, our DNA, our history, current events, and our place in the universe.

ancient chinese healer

Recently, I was experiencing intense nerve pain in my teeth on the right side of my face, which intermittently was radiating throughout my jaw. Since I don’t like to take pharmaceutical medications or pain killers, I decided to ask myself what natural substance I could take to relieve dental pain. After I asked myself the question, I sat quietly and waited for an answer. The answer came in the form of an image. A close-up image of the bark of a pine tree.

pine bark

I looked online to see if there was any information about pine bark to alleviate tooth/nerve pain. And, voilà, there I found that French maritime pine bark extract and its chemical component pycnogenol, while used for a variety of purposes (clarity of mind, heart health, circulatory issues) is also similar to aspirin without the negative side-effects on the liver and stomach. I also found a fascinating article about pine bark extract and how it can protect and enhance the life of dentine, the fleshy substance between the tooth enamel and root of the tooth. In this study, extracts from the Chinese red pine, pinus massoniana were used:

Natural News) Good news for the 80 percent of us who have resin tooth fillings: a new extract can delay our dentist trips by years. Pine tree bark extract is shown to alter the chemical structure of our teeth, strengthening them, and allowing our fillings to bind to them better. This is achieved due to the compounds in the extract that strengthen dentine, the tissue layer beneath the enamel of the teeth.

Dr. Guido Pauli of the University of Illinois at Chicago says the “weak link in the chain of bonding is the interface between the resin and the dentine. We have clear evidence that our intervention materials change this interface much to the better.” Dr. Pauli is referring to his recent tests that suggest the tree bark extracts can strengthen dentine by as much as ten times. Considering the current lifespan of a resin tooth filling, these new findings suggest a ten-year extension.

Charentes Maritimes

How did my inner self/intuition know about the wonders of pine bark? I believe the image I saw, which was a close-up of the bark was quite accurate. It did not show me the entire tree – just the bark. Which signifies that my intuition was quite clear in its intention of what it was attempting to show me. The next time you have an issue with your body or health, try this out to see if you possess intuitive knowledge or ancient experience with plants. You may or may not, depending on your soul experience in various incarnations.

Buddha log

If you feel that you are very close to nature and drawn to plants and gardening, and if you are interested in health and healing, there is a chance that this knowledge is lying dormant in your DNA. Ask yourself simple, pointed questions. Wait for the answers. They may come in different forms, depending on how your intuition works. There are many ways to access intuition. It can be through sound, words, automatic writing, images, short “video” like sequences, hearing a song or conversation, seeing printed materials, online videos or articles, or synchronistic events. Practice using your intuition to know yourself better and to hone your talents. It is a lot of fun, and you can use your age-old abilities to help others too!

Homeopathy: practicing medicine as an art


Hello dear readers,

In today’s world, most of us accept medicine as a science. Conventional medicine today divides the body into infinitely small and separate systems, and our problems are treated as dysfunctions of a system, requiring repair much like a broken machine. We are given foreign substances as treatment, but our emotional suffering is generally considered irrelevant and goes unheard and unnoticed.


We no longer associate the medical profession as an artful, holistic practice requiring insight and even wisdom. This is changing, and French homeopathic practitioner and doctor of sports medicine for France’s national soccer team, Martine Gardenal, says she prefers the term “médecine de vie” or life medicine to alternative medicine. She explains that the holistic process of healing the human being using living materials from plants, animals, and minerals is at the foundation of homeopathy, which treats like with like. The idea being that a substance which might make people who are healthy become sick or out of balance might allow those who are ill to become well.


Much like a vaccine, the basic principle behind homeopathic medicine is to figure out what is causing harm or disharmony within a person. Once the source of harm is found, which is often described as an unspoken word or an unconscious form of suffering which has translated to the body, the doctor finds an equivalent to this suffering in a natural substance. Based on the practitioner’s knowledge of the human body and the symbolic and chemical composition of pollutants, poisons, venom, and other noxious substances, a treatment is designed for that particular patient’s illness. The patient is then “inoculated” with this substance in a highly diluted form. In the French language, the word for “words” – “mots” sounds exactly the same as the plural form of the word for suffering, or “maux”.


The diagnostic process is interesting. The practitioner must figure out by questioning the patient about his or her personal as well as family life. Unresolved issues and pain caused or experienced by previous generations can spark disease in a person living today. The emotional body and cellular structure of the human being are extremely sensitive and subtle. To become an effective practitioner of homeopathy requires a great understanding of human nature, physiology, biology, natural sciences, psychology, wisdom, and compassion. The homeopathic doctor is almost a detective, carefully questioning the patient and analyzing each symptom.


Homeopathy was invented around 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), born in the German town of Meissen, then Saxony. Hahnemann was a brilliant intellectual, writer, and tireless researcher. Convinced that the medicine of his time, devoted to dulling symptoms rather than curing diseases was not only a waste of time but also dangerous, Hahnemann spent years translating medical texts from all over the world. He stopped practicing medicine for many years, and he moved frequently with his family. His curious mind and scientific spirit caused him to put his entire family to work collecting poisonous plants, venomous insects, and other toxins, once he hypothesized that a very small dose of what would generally be considered a poison could possibly definitively cure a disease.

Hahnemann had sought to develop a medical system that relied solely on single drugs in harmless doses and based upon pure observation, empiricism and experiment. He sought to “do away with the blind chimney sweeper’s methods of dulling symptoms,” [Gumpert, 99] then so much in vogue. He fought “with redoubled energy for the purity of medicine. He struck deadly blows at three points: first, he believed that the doctor should prepare his own medicines; second, he advocated ever more definitely the administration of small doses; and, third, he was a most passionate opponent of mixed doses that contained a large number of ingredients.” [Gumpert, 96]

Working with a compounding pharmacist in his own home during the 8 years he spent in Paris, France, Hahnemann experimented with dosages and substances for various afflictions, eventually diluting the substances to a degree where only an infinitely small portion of the original substance remained. The medications were then activated by vigorous shaking. The shaking would cause the identity of the substance to be communicated to the remainder of the carrier (water, oil, sugar, or alcohol). In the theory of the memory of water developed by French researchers Jacques Benveniste and more recently Luc Montaigner as well as Japanese naturopath Masaru Emoto, the water retains an electromagnetic signal of the original medicine or substance that was diluted . As you can see, homeopathy is a form of quantum medicine, which relies on consciousness and electromagnetic fields. Water is a carrier of consciousness, acting much like a liquid crystal in a computer.


Hahnemann carefully documented case histories, treatment plans, and various dilutions and experiments. These documents can still be read and studied today. The art of homeopathy continues to develop and is being used to treat ordinary ailments as well as complex diseases such as autoimmune disorders. Many believe that homeopathy is a pseudo-science, or else that it is only effective for minor troubles such as cuts, bruises, or sore throats. But experienced practitioners deny this claim. The problem being that homeopathy cannot be evaluated according to conventional medical standards. For example, double blind studies cannot be conducted because of the individualized nature of the treatments.

What works for one person may not work for another. In each case, the practitioner carefully listens to the person’s symptoms, expression of feelings, and analyzes family dynamics and family history. If a person self-treats, the full effect of the treatment may not work, because the wisdom and the intent of the practitioner participate in the healing process of the patient. Homeopathy is not about chemistry; it is based on physics. Physics and energy medicine will most likely emerge as powerful healing technology, possibly soon replacing the chemistry based drugs upon which we now rely.


In spite of the continued debate regarding the validity of homeopathy, about 56% of French people trust in it and use it regularly. It is much easier to find homeopathic practitioners and products in France than it is in the United States to date, but prejudice against the profession and its products is deep-rooted even in Europe, where the practice originated.


As humanity moves closer to a global shift into higher consciousness, I predict an expansion of the healing arts and an increased respect for holistic practices and wisdom in medicine. As human knowledge of quantum physics, entanglement, the powerful effects of human consciousness on the creation of reality expand, we will see patients becoming increasingly self-aware, responsible, and empowered in their own healing process.


The mapping of the human genome indicates that we each have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Esoteric teachers such as the channeled magnetic master Kryon have revealed that the Universe is built on a base of 12, and that all mathematics of the universe and in nature follow this pattern. He explains that there is a 24th pair of chromosomes in the human genome remaining to be discovered, and that the hidden pair is quantum. According to Kryon, when we discover the missing laws of physics  – the 5th and 6th laws involving strong and weak inter-dimensional forces, we will have at hand new keys for understanding reality and for self-healing.


Homeopathy is a bridge leading towards quantum healing, which requires on the part of healer and healed pure intent and discarding of negative energies and blockages. The intuitive human being knows how to remove the blockages which prevent the human body from living unhindered in the quantum or unified field. This is the definition of disease – living outside of harmony. Current understanding of consciousness takes into account that the consciousness of the scientific observer has an effect on the outcome of experiments. We will soon begin to understand how the intent of the medical practitioner as well as the intent and attitude of the patient inform the healing experience. The placebo effect does play a role in homeopathy and is a recognized though not yet understood process. Placebos as well as homeopathic treatments are effective for humans as well as animals, and the consciousness of intent may well play a key role in the success of these treatments.


Homeopathic medicine requires a sensitive and compassionate ear. A qualified practitioner is a person who is able to sense and understand the suffering and blockages which prevent a person from healing herself. By removing the blocks, the human being is freed, and the body restores itself to its natural state – harmony. This is the new medicine.
