The Intuitive Botanist

Dearest readers,

I am certain that, like shamans, intuitive herbalists have always played a key role in human societies. Like shamans, herbalists and healers have always lived on the fringes of society. Coveted when their services are needed, but also always in danger when outcomes don’t match human expectations.

Scapegoating, has, alas, played a huge role in the 3-D victim/abuser paradigm. Because personal responsibility is almost always played down in favor of finding an outside cause for all problems and suffering. 3-D or density consciousness, the layer or level of consciousness in which humanity has chosen to dwell (or has been entrapped by, depending on how you see it), is characterized by a focus on the outward. Both problems and solutions always lean towards something outside of self.

Because the feminine energies and intuition have long been punished, suppressed, and demonized by the patriarchal system under which humanity has been surviving (more or less) for the last several thousand years, intuitive herbalism has also been demonized. In fact, most people imagine that a rational scientific method is needed in order to understand the properties of every plant, and whether or not it is toxic for use in humans. Today, holistic and intuitive healers are punished by the legal system and litigious structure created to support the money making machine that is our corporate pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

What is also not taken into account is that the consciousness of plants and our own consciousness are linked, and the chemical substances and attributes of plants adjust to our own biology and chemistry. The same plant will not interact energetically the same way with every person. We and plants are both adaptogenic.

Is it possible to know without scientific expertise that a plant is toxic or not? If it has healing properties, or nutritional properties, and if so, what they are?

I feel certain that our personal DNA contains a multi-dimensional energy field that carries the memory of past incarnations and the knowledge accumulated during all lifetimes. In addition to that library, our intuition connects to an unlimited energy field that surrounds each of us, giving us access to all information and experiences that have ever happened, that are happening now, and that will happen in the future.

This blog, Intuitive Botany, was created because I have a deep connection to plant life. I can look at a plant and feel an almost instantaneous knowing about the plant. What its properties are, how it can be used to treat various conditions. Like all humans on the planet today, I too have been conditioned to override my personal intuition with scientific proof. We have all been taught to give our power away and to trust only sources outside of self, unless we have studied a subject and have been certified as an “expert” in any given area of expertise.

It is in our birthright, as human beings, to co-create heaven on Earth, if we really want it. We have been programmed for millennia to struggle and it has become hard to imagine that our lives, by nature, can and should be easy and joy-filled.

The Internet and AI technologies have been designed as an artificial, masculine-dominated, external control matrix to replace the natural, organic, intuitive matrix. The word matrix means the womb of creation. It is a feminine word. Will an asleep humanity accept to have plugs and outlets installed in the organic body, completely replacing all access to the natural intuitive all-encompassing wisdom field? We have all already been seeded with nanotechnologies through air, water, food, vaccines, artificially created viruses designed to control and limit our natural creativity.

Who needs a hybrid plant robot that can move towards the light? Plants do it naturally!

The timelines for a masculine-controlled, AI, cyber-enslaved humanity locked into seemingly permanent density consciousness exist already and are clearly delineated and described in much literature and films. Less common are depictions of the ascended, New Earth timelines. The movie Avatar is one of few that clearly shows the battle between the masculine and feminine timelines and their differing values, agendas, and sources of power.

The timeline in which the divine feminine is restored to its rightly status, entering into balance with the divine masculine does not have a lot of accompanying literature in our global cultures, especially in recent times. All human beings embody a natural and powerful technology that allows us to connect to one another and to everyone and everything in the multiverse. We don’t need electricity, smart phones or smart homes, Alexa devices, or the internet to accomplish what we can do innately, just using our bodies and our consciousness field.

There is also a deeply ingrained fear that lives within many of us who have carried the wisdom of plant medicine and energy medicine here on Earth. In many past incarnations, we have been persecuted, exiled, burned as witches. The patriarchy, by design, has created a system of control in which all inner knowing has been purposefully demonized. Intuition is a feminine attribute, and it cannot be controlled. It also empowers the individual who trusts herself or himself. Such a person cannot be placed under the purview of a culture that values only power, money, hierarchy, control. By keeping people ignorant of their own organic access to all wisdom and knowledge, the patriarchy has robbed humanity of its sovereignty as well as our ability to connect to Nature, to our own nature and truth, and to heal ourselves.

Since the two or more timelines have split and humanity is now divided, taking different paths towards different Earths with different futures, those who have chosen the AI trans-humanist patriarchal timeline will continue to play in density consciousness for as long as they need. The New Earth timeline, however, is, in my opinion, the most exciting option. And it’s time to invest our energies in ascending thinking, feeling, planning, and creation.

In 5-D New Earth, where the Divine Feminine energies are finally allowed their full status and place in the collective consciousness, intuition will be making a huge comeback. And the intuitive herbalist will be finally not only be allowed to practice, but will be making major contributions to the healing of humanity, body and soul.

New Earth and the Tree of Life: Spitting out the fruit of the tree of knowledge

Dearest readers,

I am very fond of the story of Adam and Eve. It is the foundation for the entire story humanity has co-created together for the last several thousand years. The choice to forget entirely who we are, what our essential truth is, and to experience separation from our true nature. I do suspect, however, that either the story itself or how it is traditionally interpreted, have likely been changed since its inception. The imagery and symbolism of the snake as the temptress and the woman (Eve) as the instigator of temptation to her male companion don’t ring true to me.

There is much evidence that the snake is a representation of the Divine Feminine, which has been excised from our cultural and religious history for the last 2000 plus years.

Why would the Divine Feminine or its representative want the humans dwelling in perfect intuitive harmony with Gaia or Mother Nature to separate from this permanent state of bliss?

And why would the Divine Feminine choose a female human as a subject to confuse or lead astray from divine harmony?

It is clear that the Tree of Life represents 5th dimensional existence, the Peaceable Kingdom, or Paradise on Earth, where humans, plants, animals, and the consciousness of the planet and the one Source Creator of all that is are all in full alignment and harmony.

Why would the Tree of Knowledge, which represents separation from a harmonious, ascended 5th dimensional state even exist within the Garden of Eden, or paradise on Earth?

I believe that the presence of the Tree of Knowledge in Eden clearly signifies that Earth is a Free Will planet. We always have the choice to remain connected to our inner, intuitive knowing, which is true empowerment and mastery…or to separate from that inner connection and lifeline to our multidimensional parallel existences on other planes. When we accept separation or victim consciousness, we forget our divine identity. Our mind, brain, and knowledge gleaned from outside sources become our accepted center of consciousness rather than our heart and intuition as our unique source of information and guidance.

Humanity’s choice: Ease and flow or hardship and ego-driven struggle?

Perhaps, since the choice between a life of ease and flow (eating the fruit of the Tree of Life) and a life of hardship and ego-driven struggle (eating from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge) was designed as an integral part of the life on Earth, humanity had to experience separation from our true divine nature, mastery, conscious creation, and flow in order to truly understand and appreciate a return to unity and our true divine nature.

There are those that say that the snake is a representation of Satan or perhaps a reptilian extra-terrestrial being. That humanity was driven out of Eden or our natural state of flow and mastery by a series of DNA modifications and reduced to slavery by a group of powerful beings not aligned with the one divine consciousness and Source Creator. All of these conjectures are possibilities and could be true. There are many ancient works of art, in particular from the Sumerian/Akadian culture that seem to represent such beings and such technology. And the many paintings and visual interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve portray the serpent wound around the tree, evocative of the DNA double helix.

But if we are indeed a free will planet, then if humanity was tempted or even subjugated by force and did fall into a lower state of consciousness, no one could force this to happen. Even if a person enters an abusive relationship with another person, that person is still responsible for that state of affairs. Temptation is a choice, and the consequences were what we all know and experience today.

We also know today that there are cosmic cycles that govern our planetary and human experiences. Cycles that lead to different ages with different levels of consciousness. Ancient peoples from various cultures around the world were aware of these cycles. In fact, the Mayan people, who in the Alcyone spiral, originated from a star (Maya) that is mostly within the photon band, were fully aware that Earth spends most of its cosmic cycles within the galactic night, outside of the photon band. Currently, we are within the center of the Alcyone spiral, which puts us in the center of the photon band. These energetic frequencies propel the awakening and upliftment of consciousness. When we are within the galactic night, it is very difficult to awaken and to remember our original, divine nature. For more information about this, please read “The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light”, written by Barbara Hand Clow, published by Bear & Co., 1995.

We have all chosen to incarnate here on Earth at the end of one grand 26,000 plus year cycle and at the beginning of a new one. This does not come without turmoil, trial, and tribulation. The end of something old and the beginning of something new requires letting go, deconstruction, breakdown, rebuilding. We are now at the end of a very dark age, as as humanity awakens with the help of the presence of many thousands of starseeds now incarnated here on Earth, we are experiencing the grand deconstruction of the thousands of years long Age of Separation.

It is an exciting time to be alive and to be in a “physical” body! We each now have the opportunity to choose where we stand on the spectrum of awakening and ascension. As we awaken, we remember our true divine nature as fractals of the one divine unified consciousness, as expanding light, in form, and as co-creators of experiences. As we return to unity consciousness, we metaphorically “spit out” the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. The density and frequency of that “food” no longer nourishes us. We crave once again the fruit of the Tree of Life, which allows us to be in constant flow, in the zero point of a divine unified field of creation.

From hardship, survival, victim consciousness we are finally returning to mastery, unity, and peace on Earth. We each have to make the choice to live in the higher dimensions, and it is our level of consciousness that will continue to determine how we experience the next years as at least part of humanity transitions out of density and into unity.

Body clog: Pharmaceuticals and Plant Medicine

color therapy flower

Dearest readers,

If you are visiting this blog, it is because you are interested in reconnecting with your intuition. Intuition means knowing without learning from without. Knowing without having to search online or consult an expert or a book.

The feminine aspect of inner knowing is making a huge comeback, and 2020 is the year where this shift in the balance of masculine and feminine energies will begin to become apparent to the general public.

Every human being is intuitive.

As we shift away from density and separation conscious into a more self-aware and balanced mode of living, it is highly likely that we will continue to observe an escalation in the general public’s desire to move away from pharmaceuticals and allopathic medicine towards natural modes of healing using plants, energy healing, toning, use of color, etc.

Abstract artistic watercolor splash background

When a person has lived in density consciousness their entire life and is not “awake”, this means simple that this person has not yet remembered their true and original nature as a traveler or being of light who has come to Earth to enjoy a series of experiences in density.

Awakening to higher consciousness simply means remembering our true nature.

Density consciousness is all about separation. Separation from self, division from Nature, from other human beings. Being unable to hear one’s own inner voice. When living fully in density, people generally accept that doctors have expertise over our health and well-being and know better than we do how to heal our bodies and how to restore to balance what is out of balance.

rainbow light body

Western medicine uses chemicals to either suppress symptoms that cause discomfort in the body or to kill bacteria, viruses, or cells that are defined as pathogens, causing dis-ease. The prime assumption of Western medicine is the philosophy of separation. Pharmaceutical drugs are foreign to the body, invaders that are perceived as toxins.

We have all been living in separation from our true selves. 

Any living being tends towards harmony and balance. When we get sick, we are temporarily out of balance, and the body does everything it can to restore balance. It has an amazing arsenal within to accomplish homeostasis at any given moment, in any given circumstance. When human consciousness is aligned in balance with the body, intuition brings in all needed information to restore the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic layered bodies back to optimal ease.

My intuitive theory is that people who are living deep in density and who have been absorbing pharmaceutical drugs, using household chemicals, perfumes, consuming GMO foods filled with herbicides, pesticides, and preservatives become eventually impermeable to the more subtle effects of homeopathy, plant-based medicines, and energy medicine.

Like everything else in density consciousness, Western medicine is based on the principle of separation.

I believe that these body clogs can be “healed”, but mental, emotional, physical, and energetic cleansing must take place to relieve these massive energetic blockages caused by these density substances.


A young coworker of mine (about 27 years old) is very bright, talented, ego driven and competitive. She always needs to be right. She also is very proud of her illnesses. One would imagine similar conversations emitting from someone who is over eighty. Countless surgeries, medications, medical conditions of which she seems to be proud.

One day, we were discussing COVID-19, and I suggested she try echinacea extract to boost her immune system. I have had excellent success drinking echinacea tea daily to assist my body during the pandemic. Immediately, this young lady was up in arms. She explained to me that she once tried echinacea, and it made her very sick. That she would never take any plant-based medicine again, and that only pharmaceutical products work for her.

The body is less receptive to natural, gentle remedies when accustomed to harsher chemical treatments.

This anecdote is an illustration of what can happen to a person who invests so much of their identity in density consciousness. The great awakening is all about remembering your true nature. What we call “reality” here on Earth is a holographic co-creative illusion. We maintain the illusion by buying into it. The illusion has become unstable because less and less people are willing today to continue to support it and to agree with its founding principles.

As more and more people release their identity attachments from the illusion of density, the anchoring of Western medicine in separation and the use of chemicals will suddenly feel old-fashioned, ineffective, and out of balance with our current needs.

As the Divine Feminine makes her great comeback, more and more people around the world will begin to remember how to connect to our innate inner wisdom and to the truth of our multi-dimensional nature. The voices of the plants and animals, as well as the elements and elementals (air, water, fire, soil) will become animated and recognized once again.

The Divine Feminine is making a great comeback. We will start seeing much evidence of this shift in our collective experience this year (2020).

For too long, humans have been trained to see the Earth and her creatures, animal, vegetable, and mineral as inanimate property…as things rather than as an inherent part of the Unity Consciousness that makes up everything that exists in the Multi-verse.

color-therapy (1)

As we reconnect with Nature, our own true identity, and as we re-balance our layered bodies, humanity will automatically be drawn back to more natural ways of healing and re-balancing. We will no longer allow ourselves to get so sick, so out of balance. We will stop giving our power away to external authorities who we once believed knew and understood us better than we knew or understood ourselves. We will stop allowing chemicals to invade and poison our bodies, the plants, the animals, the air, the water, soil, and the Earth.

Once we remember our true nature and power, we will no longer feel compelled to give our power away to experts. We will sit quietly, and feel what is right for us.

We all know how to heal ourselves and how to stay in balance. We also know how to heal the Earth and how to live in harmony with ourselves, one another, and with all of Nature. This is our true birthright, and innately, we are born knowing how to do all of these things. When we are conditioned into separation consciousness, we forget, and we fall into amnesia and into density.

color wheel

To rise up again, it takes effort, cleansing, dedication, trust, compassion, and non-judgment for self and others. It also takes a lot of gratitude. Our bodies, minds, emotional bodies, and energy fields have been clogged with garbage, toxic emotions, pain, trauma, suffering for so long. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We all have a choice to make.

Healing requires gratitude. Old energies, behaviors, and patterns cannot be released until we feel thankful for all of the experiences that have brought us to where we now are.

If you want to use natural remedies to restore your body and your life to perfect balance, then it’s time to release the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic toxins that are blocking the flow. To lift into an ascended perspective, it’s key to de-clog and to rise out of the muck into which we have all agreed to bathe for a certain amount of time.

If you feel your body does not respond to the more gentle and the more feminine energies of plant medicine, tuning and toning, and other forms of energy healing, now you know what to do. Give thanks for all of the experiences in density, and release them all with love and gratitude. As these energies continue to arise, continue the process gently and with tenacity. The New Age is  now, and we are all part of it, bringing it into our collective awareness and experience.

Welcome to the portal of the 5th dimension! Thank you for remembering.

Thank you for reading! Please share and leave comments in the comments field. I appreciate your time, love, and energy!

The Sun and the Original Organic Matrix

sun and rainbow

Dearest readers,

In the last day or two, I have been guided to watch a couple of videos (Solar Logos: Resurrecting the Solar Stargate System, Paliadorian Diamond Sun Races, and Disclosure ) and (Increasing Human Energy by Harnessing the Sun’s Energy According to Nikola Tesla) which describe how human consciousness is naturally fed energetically through our Sun. These documents explain how the artificial consciousness matrix which has been feeding off of human consciousness for thousands of years with persistent and escalating efforts to block our connection to the Sun, which is also a natural portal to Christed or unity consciousness.


Our physical bodies need sunlight to produce energy. The photonic light produced by our sun which stimulates the production of chlorophyll in plant matter appears to work in a corresponding manner in the energy centers of our cells, affecting our mitochondrial DNA. We absorb sunlight indirectly through the foods that we consume. Nikola Tesla understood this principle. I believe that when we sit in a receptive position to meditate or to absorb the “heilstrom” as per the teachings of German healer and early starseed, Bruno Groening, we are also absorbing the harmonizing energetic frequencies of light particles, to which our energy bodies are particularly sensitive and receptive.

sunlight and plants

As we near the end of the reign of thousands of years of subjugation of our consciousness, for which our energies have been confused, diverted, and vampirized by a small group of elites and extraterrestrial beings, it is now time to celebrate once again our own cosmic connections to the Sun and to the Earth, respectively male and female principles. Both poles are necessary for our well-being and for a peaceful cohabitation on Earth. The feminine and masculine have been intentionally fractured from one another in order to create chaos and division in our personal lives, interpersonal relationships, and social structures.


At this time, we still are experiencing desperate attempts by the dark magicians to mask the sun through veils of expanded contrails, in addition to the heavy metals and other toxins and mind-controlling substances that these contrails are designed to distribute into our air, water, soil, and into the bodies of plants, trees, birds, animals, and human beings. Without the sun, we cannot live, and indeed, at this time, we are still struggling to survive. It is difficult to thrive in the current climate of disease, interpersonal and interracial conflict and endless violence and distractions.

Dying Earth

Of course, it is up to us, as human beings, to awaken to our own power and to take responsibility for our own health, for the realities we create for ourselves and for the collective. The progressive collective awakening programmed for this time, about which the dark magicians have been aware for thousands of years, is coming about despite all efforts to suppress it. The increasingly intense waves of solar flashes bathing the Earth’s atmosphere are making the exposure of the efforts of the dark ones easier to perceive on various levels, even for the deeply conditioned.

Magnificent CME Erupts on the Sun - August 31

The awakening comes in waves, with the Starseeds in the lead, to assist those who  follow, to bring calm, guidance, and our own personal experiences in integration of trauma, shadow work, self-love, self-responsibility, and activation of our innate abilities.

The original higher frequency human beings lived in harmony with one another, fully respectful of the plants, animals, air, water, soil, and with the consciousness of the planet. For those of us who choose to raise our consciousness with the planet (or ascend), we will return to a joyous and creative way of life, in which we enjoy full freedom, and in which we take full responsibility for everything that we create in our lives.

The time of manipulation and victimization is essentially over, and for those of us who are ready, we can now begin to enjoy the fruits of a long, difficult journey from the shadows into the light.

Cancer, Fungus, Mind Control, Meditation: All states of consciousness


Hello dearest readers,

Western cultures tend to think of sickness the same way they would pursue a war, a sports event, or a business goal – kill the enemy, eliminate the competition, remove an obstacle. Rarely if ever is the question asked what caused the person to experience illness.

My personal belief is that we each create our own reality using our consciousness. Our level of consciousness and the dimensions in which we live change and shift all of the time. The markers for disease live in our bodies and around us. This is a constant. It is when we allow them to take charge of our lives that problems ensue. Sometimes, it is in our soul contract to experience a certain disease for our personal evolution or for the benefit of our loved ones. Human experience is complex, but we have much more input, if not control, over our lives than we have ever been taught.

Global societies manipulate consciousness. That is the role of media, education, religion, as well as family. We are molded from birth to accept a set of beliefs, hopes, dreams, limitations.  Have you noticed an escalation in recent years in the levels of violence, disease, terrorist acts, corruption, dishonesty? There are multiple reasons for this escalation and many ways which we can interpret the current state of affairs.


We can attribute the rise in crime, violence, and disease to the level of separation and the hold of the illusion that has been imposed onto humanity by the elites ruling all of our institutions. We have been conditioned to accept class, family, and race as a natural system to separate ourselves from our fellow men and women. The ruling classes have so much to gain by continuing to control the consciousness of the majority of humanity. They know we are waking up and that cosmic events are transforming the consciousness of the planet. They know about the cleansing of Mother Earth and the extreme weather events, seismic activity, and other coming Earth changes.

The power elites are also highly aware that human beings are powerful creators of reality in our natural form, when we remember who we are. And they know that we are beginning to remember in greater numbers, which means it is becoming increasingly challenging for them to control us. This is why they are using technologies of mind control and artificial intelligence to create terrorist attacks, violent crime, and to incite escalated expressions of racism and division. Will we continue to collectively allow these elites to control us? There are signs that a growing number of people are aware of these tactics and no longer allow themselves to go into fear, protection, and selfishness.


This, for me, is one of the most obvious reasons for the increases in violence, crime, and disease. Another is that cognitive dissonance is caused by our inner awakening.  When we begin to awaken, we are usually not yet conscious of the process. Conflict with what we have been taught about reality begins to rub up against our increased intuition of what reality truly is. This causes people to be fearful, anxious, and reactive. The energies coming onto the planet at this time are bringing up to the surface of our awareness all of the conditioned thoughts, emotions, and patterns of lower consciousness that are embedded in our cellular structure, in our memory, our emotional bodies, our DNA, and in our ancestral memory. They are coming up to be healed.

For those who are aware of the gift of this emergence, the process, while not easy, is simplified. Every single time a lower dimensional “negative” thought surfaces in our minds, we can give thanks for the opportunity, and transmute that energy into unconditional love, releasing the energy to our guides and ascended masters, asking them to guide these lower frequency energies out of our minds, cellular structure, emotional bodies, DNA, Akashic records, and ancestral lines…to a place that is appropriate for their further development.


This healing process allows us to raise our frequency and allows our human self to live more easily in alignment with our soul, or higher self. Disease does not thrive in a high frequency environment, nor does poverty, solitude, or violence. There is no judgment about different frequencies of energy. One is not better than another. It just depends on what we wish to experience.

When we are living unconsciously, lower frequency energies from propaganda, mind control – from this lifetime or from another, the influence of parasites, artificial intelligence, entities living in our bodies, viruses, fungus, bacteria, and all manner of decomposers take hold in our bodies, minds, emotions, and energy bodies. Chronic fatigue, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and many degenerative conditions from which human beings commonly suffer today are in part the result of a lack of awareness of what a human being is. Once we learn how we can optimally communicate with our bodies and raise our frequency, we can train ourselves to remain impermeable to the lower frequencies which take hold when we allow disease to overtake our bodies.


In other words, when we become sick, it is because we have unconsciously allowed in energies that do not serve the highest good of our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirit.

Most of the medications and drugs used by Western medicine destroy the body’s natural immune system – chemotherapy, steroids, and antibiotics are poisons. Once taken, it is difficult to recover a healthy natural balance of microorganisms in our bodies. Many human beings today struggle with chronic fungal infections. While this may not seem serious, these fungi are a sign that the body is decomposing while we are still alive.

Meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness exercises are methods, among others, that allow us to intentionally take in the life-giving force that surrounds us at all times. By using heart-centered intentional speaking, we can refocus our lives on consciously creating health, peace, harmony, abundance, wellness…or whatever it is that we desire for our lives.


When we allow our bodies to become strangers to us and no longer listen or talk to our cells, and when we give our power away to experts who have no idea what it is that we truly need or desire, we give up our ability to create the life that we really wish to experience. Every human being is an artist and a creator of realities. We are in charge of our own health.

No matter how much pollution, ill will, corruption, radiation, stress or other elements perceived to be negative exist in our environment, we always have a choice. We can consciously and consistently release everything that does not serve the personal and collective highest good. If we make this a practice, every day setting clear and heart-felt intentions for what we want for ourselves and for all of humanity, the plants, animals, air, water, soil, trees, for Earth herself, while releasing all that doesn’t serve our collective highest expression of abundance, well-being, joy, beauty, health, wisdom…then we will begin to see our reality shifting.

The more people who put this into practice, the more quickly we will heal our bodies and heal the planet. Those who choose to live at a lower frequency will continue to do so. We do not need to convince them to change their ways. All we need to do is to take care of ourselves and use our consciousness to heal by spreading love and kindness into the world. This loving kindness affects everyone and everything simply because we are all connected. We are all one living organism.


Healing is not about killing cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, fungi or other lower frequency energies. They have always been with us, and they will remain with us. It is our relationship to them and to our bodies and intentions for our lives that shifts our reality. When we choose love and high frequency living, the lower frequency energies (such as the service to self organizations that we see ruling the globe today) will begin to disappear from our experience.

We don’t need to live in fear, unless we choose to do so. We can choose to send love to Mother Earth and help her to cleanse her body of all of the pollution and greed that humanity has visited upon her. By doing so, we reduce the occurrences and intensity of Earth events, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and so on. We live to serve and assist the planet, the animals, the plants and all of the creatures of Gaia, on this dimension and on higher dimensions.


We don’t need to resist the pharmaceutical corporations, the military industrial complex, the corruption of the banking and financial systems. Like cancer cells, if we are healthy and living in a high vibration, sending them unconditional love, we will not be affected by their greed and voracity. Human beings are multidimensional beings. We live in the dimension that matches our energetic frequency.

Will you choose to live among grubs, worms, fungus, and bacteria? Do you choose to experience cancer, degenerative or chronic disease? There is nothing wrong or bad about any experience. It is simply a question of what you would like to experience. None of us are victims. We are simply complex spiritual beings who have chosen to incarnate in physical bodies in order to experience a variety of challenges, and in order to remember on our own who we really are and the fabric of our true creative powers.


Animal logic: interpreting aberrant behavior

romantic squirrels

Dearest readers,

For the last two years, an otherwise ordinary-looking squirrel has been targeting very specific plants in my porch flower containers and viciously and systematically shredding the plants until nothing remains but the stub of a root. This creature, whom I have dubbed “Psycho Squirrel”, does not eat the plants. He, and I am assuming, perhaps erroneously, based on his deliberate and aggressive yet sneaky behavior, that he is a male, has occasionally garlanded my wooden fence with shreds of geraniums.

vintage squirrel illustration

Squirrels are supposed to be repelled by geraniums.

My initial response to this squirrel’s erratic behavior was to feel upset and even a bit angry. I love all animals, but I was having difficulty feeling affection for his less than lovable behavior.


When people on my local neighborhood social network regularly vent about package thieves and other nefarious individuals who delight in petty crimes and burglaries in our area, their reactions, while more heated and intense than my response to my rodent visitor, reminded me of my own thoughts about package thieves and such.

Matt Squirrell

Generally, humans are very protective of their property, their belongings, and they become quite angry and aggressive when their territory is invaded. Sending unconditional love to these perpetrators is outside of the realm of most people’s experience and ability.

squirrel meme.jpg

Since I spend much of my time and energy focusing on raising my energetic frequency and working towards unity and coherence in my body, mind, heart, and energy field, the behavior of this erratic, fluffy-tailed being intrigued me. Perhaps he is not a simple ne’er-do-well bent on tearing up flowers. Perhaps he is a messenger from Gaia (Mother Earth), and his actions have been misinterpreted by me. Perhaps I need to send him (and our relationship) unconditional love despite the vegetation decimation in which he seems to delight.

potato weed parable


As a gardener on this third density realm of experience, I struggle with the concept that some plants (people, animals, trees) are considered more valuable, more important than others. In my heart of hearts, all beings are conscious and have specific talents, properties, beauty, and energy. No being is more important than another, no matter how humble in appearance.


Some people say a “weed” is a plant that is the wrong place. Perhaps a plant becomes named a “weed” when it is perceived by a lower density being, by a state of consciousness that divides, confines, compartmentalizes, judges. Because we, for the most part, still live in duality while striving for unity consciousness (some of us do!), our gardens are also subject to judgment.


The message of the squirrel, as I interpret it, leads me to question my gardening practice. I have written of this dilemma before in this blog. By tearing up my asters this spring, and my geraniums last growing season, the squirrel was destroying the “privileged plants”, who get to live in containers on the porch, with lovely store-bought soil, compost, and plant food. The wild plants, of which there are a great variety who propagate themselves  throughout my front and back yard – and the types of plants also vary to some degree from year to year – are not allowed, for the most part, to live in the designated flower beds or containers.

plants in containers

And while I regret doing it, I do pull up certain plants to favor others. I do not resort to using poisons of any kind. But think about it! In our human societies, we constantly judge certain people. Put them in categories. Decide that some should be punished, put to death. Some enjoy great privileges, while others constantly struggle to survive. Certain body types and appearances are considered beautiful and desirable, while others are judged ugly and unlovable. I believe that when we live from the heart, these judgmental practices fall away. The heart is a great unifier.

weeds and flowers

This institutional plant racism or segregation does not obey the Law of One. How can I be aligned with my higher self and in service to Gaia and to continue to garden in the old way, with hierarchies of plants, separated beds? Should a New Earth garden be a confusion of weeds and cultivated plants? Areas of intentional planting with other areas left intact? I don’t quite have an answer to this question yet. But the question itself intrigues me. How do we garden in the fifth dimension?

New Earth garden.jpg

I do talk to my plants, to the trees, the stars, the air, water, rocks, and clouds. I apologize to the tiny trees and seedlings which I remove from my yard. Each time I grasp a tiny stem and pull the roots from their hold in the Earth, I feel twinges of sadness. And I know that Nature herself is quite harsh on small trees. Very few reach maturity. Perhaps I am just one of the hazards in the eco-system. Still, to love the plants unconditionally, while loving myself unconditionally is my goal. My intuition tells me that I simply need to listen to the plants more. Sometimes, I ask certain plants if they could please move somewhere else.

listening to plants

In any case, Psycho Squirrel has inspired a thought process and a questioning of how we, as human beings, interact with our natural environment. I feel much improvement to our quality of life in human societies would come if we did slow down and took the time to listen to plants, animals, rocks, the soil, trees, the air, and the clouds. The ability to understand all of creation is inside of each of us. Of that I am certain. We simply need to be still, and to remember.

My third eye sees plants and flowers: masculine and feminine aspects of insight


Dearest readers,

Whenever I paint, I feel as if the source of the images and ideas comes from a deep well somewhere inside of my body. The imagery emerges from this place, the source of which is unseen. Yet it is a distinct place which exists somewhere around my solar plexus. Many interesting pictures and dreams come through from my mind’s eye, which I guess most would call the third eye or pineal gland. These images are visible inside of my head. Last night, in my dream, my “regular” eyebrows had fallen out, and a new set was growing in below the original eyebrows, just below the bone! A lot of the time when I am awake or in the state between sleep and wakefulness, these images spontaneously appear, often depicting a great variety of flowers and plants. Sometimes I see moving geometric shapes or other visions. The photos from this post are from my own garden.


In general, it seems that people consider the Earth or natural world to be part of the lower realms. I personally feel and know that the human connection to Gaia or Mother Earth is as crucially important and spiritually significant as our connection to the cosmos, sky, sun, soul, and higher self. The physical body is also part of this equation. I believe that there is a clear reason why the Judeo-Christian religious system has squelched the feminine out of its belief system.  The body, the Earth, emotions, sexuality – all of these aspects of being seemed to have been consistently problematic for the establishment of religious power and dogma. The feminine aspects of love, receptivity, emotion, physical pleasure each embody an important measure of human creativity and sovereignty. Without the feminine, the human being is weakened, disconnected from a huge part of self as well as from the consciousness of the planet, and is essentially disempowered. This is how in our collective past we allowed ourselves to be conditioned and enter a program of fear, punishment and reward, guilt and judgment.


So plants, art, images, and the physical body appear to be my personal gateway to Mother Earth and to the divine feminine. This energy connection for me is an easy one to access. It is natural and requires no effort. A lot of people communicate with their more masculine aspect through the third eye, channeling guides and other beings. Ultimately, since we are all one, there is no being separate from self. Which means that masculine and feminine aspects are also part of the unity of being of which we are all a piece.


When I wish to communicate with my more masculine, cosmic aspects, I just realized that it is through writing, and more precisely, automatic writing that I can receive responses to my questions. I ask a question, then I wait for words to come, which I record, one by one. Is the source of information different than the one which delivers the images for my paintings or about healing plants? I don’t really know. Possibly yes, possibly no. I don’t think the portal for automatic writing is located in the same area of my body as the one which gives me intuitive images, which are more global or conceptual and less linear. Cultivating patience and the ability to listen seem to be necessary skills or even talents in order to better receive information from the connected self and body.


More than anything, I want my DNA to be fully activated. To have that fiber optic rainbow bridge of energy and information coursing through my light body and my physical body. For my heart and emotional bodies to be clear and functioning at a high level. To remember who I am and why I am here on Earth at this time. To me, this is the image of happiness. To be a fully connected human being, operating with total alignment and full integrity.


So much of my life has been spent doubting, searching, trying out different activities and skills, exploring different places. Basically trying to find bits and pieces of myself by interacting with the world. And the world, both natural and manufactured, interacts with me. This is where synchronicities come in. For example, I have been decorating my Little Free Library, which is close to being installation ready, with imagery that is meaningful to me.


I found a video one day about feathers being visual triggers for DNA activation and awakening to a higher level of consciousness. The color of the feather affects the symbolic meaning of the encounter. And so I began to paint gray, black, and white feathers on the side panels of the library. And on the back, a pair of Eastern bluebirds and a black and white magpie. As I was driving my car yesterday, I happened to be behind an older model Lincoln Towncar. An image of drifting white cutout feathers, just like on my library side panels, was stuck on the rear window of the vehicle. Backwards, I deciphered the word dream at the bottom of the decal. And the license number of the car was RAA. (Ra being the Egyptian god embodying the Law of One, unity consciousness, and ascension.)



The physical realm, our bodies, and nature are powerful communicators, if we pay attention to details. Just this past week, I have been visited by a beautiful snapping turtle, who bears great wisdom about patience, leaving behind the old, and beginning new chapters in my life. Yesterday, I saw a magnificent red-tailed hawk, much larger than any I have ever seen, soaring above the lake where I walk my dog. The hawk teaches how to see the bigger picture, to hone in and focus on solutions given by source rather than waste energy chasing after ways to control outcomes. These animals are great gifts.


I know that it is from a place of fear that I wish to control my life, and letting go of that control all while embracing insight, intuition, and wisdom from the natural world and from spirit is the path that brings ease, abundance, beauty, and joy. Having spent many years working through fear, pain, suffering, lack, worry, and stress, I am ready to create something different for my life. So grateful am I to the animals, to the imagery of plants and the information and wisdom that comes in me and through me from so many lifetimes of experience.


All human beings were made to be connected to Earth and sky, like the beautiful trees that grace our planet. We are moving trees, living libraries. All of us connected to one another, to the planet, and beyond. All of our questions and yearnings are heard. Why is it so hard to let go of the familiar system, even if it keeps us in pain, lonely, and separated from all that is? This is the big challenge for all of us. The time to remember has come. It is a joyful time. At last, we will be able to sit back, relax, love ourselves, and enjoy our lives as we help one another and work together to create harmony within ourselves and within our communities once again.

Absorb light and extend your life

leafy bridge

Dearest readers,

Ascension teachers as well as biologists are now pointing to new ways of extending the human lifespan. Currently all of life on Earth is beginning to undergo the transformation from living in a high density low frequency 3-D body in linear time to a conceptual and highly connected existence in a fourth and fifth dimensional body. The esoteric is linking hands with scientific disciplines as we begin to understand that it is the physics of energy, light, and consciousness which create the underlying fabric of reality.


You may wonder how this affects you personally. The manner in which we live in our bodies and how we perceive reality affects everything we do. Once humans begin to understand that we are a powerful locus of consciousness and that this awareness is the creative source of the reality in which we live, we will also begin to understand that we must grow up, live in full integrity, and take complete responsibility for every single thought that enters our mind. When we see ourselves as the source of reality, we can no longer look outside of ourselves to blame or shame anyone else. We realize that it is ridiculous to not love our self because we are so powerful.

heart plant

In fact, it is survival and separation consciousness in the 3-D rational world that we think is so modern and technologically advanced which is shortening our life span. The human body is designed to live for a very long time, and unity consciousness makes longevity a reality. And as we transition to the light body, we will begin to live much longer. In this process, we begin to talk to our own bodies, and show gratitude to our bodies for their wondrous daily support. As we evolve, we will restore our intimate connection to our bodies and live in harmony. This transformation into unity consciousness will push us to look inward where we find our connection to our highest self, the remembrance of thousands of lifetimes of history stored in our DNA, and guidance from the universe.

bizarre surgery


In survival mode, we see disease as something from the outside, such as microbes, allergies, food, stress that is impacting us. We use chemicals and surgery – foreign substances and actions from without to “heal” the body. When we shift into 4th and 5th dimensional living, time is perceived as a loop and is no longer linear. We are the cause and the effect. We no longer can conceive of using chemicals or surgery, and we are automatically guided to reject and release negative thoughts as soon as they enter the gateways of our mind and heart. We constantly shift and adjust to maintain harmony in our bodies, and eventually, as we refine these skills, we no longer contract diseases of any kind. In fact, the concept of disease is no longer valid because we create our own state of health through our thoughts and actions in a responsible way. We live harmoniously with others and with our environment. As we learn to love and revere our self, our body listens and sighs with relief. Balance has been restored.


The human, animal, and plant bodies require sunlight for sustenance and longevity, in addition to our personal instructions for cellular division. The mitochondrial DNA responds to the light from within (self-love) and the light or love from without – from the sun. Sunlight is absorbed by plants in the form of chlorophyll. This wondrous substance, when consumed by animals or humans, is the same as absorbing sunlight. In the following article, “Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP” by Chen Xu, Junhua Zhang, Doina M. Mihai, Ilyas Washington, we learn that when we consume chlorophyll pigments, our cellular structure is modified and allow us to absorb more light and slow the aging process.


While it has been prevailing wisdom that only plants can use sunlight directly for producing energy (photosynthesis), it can not be denied that not only do many animals consume chlorophyll through their diet but that research has been performed showing chlorophyll metabolites “retain the ability to absorb light in the visible spectrum at wavelengths that can penetrate into animal tissues.” (Ferruzzi and Blakeslee, 2007; Ma and Dolphin, 1999).


Here is the abstract from the linked article (see above):

Sunlight is the most abundant energy source on this planet. However, the ability to convert sunlight into biological energy in the form of adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) is thought to be limited to chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms. Here we show that mammalian mitochondria can also capture light and synthesize ATP when mixed with a light-capturing metabolite of chlorophyll. The same metabolite fed to the worm Caenorhabditis elegans leads to increase in ATP synthesis upon light exposure, along with an increase in life span. We further demonstrate the same potential to convert light into energy exists in mammals, as chlorophyll metabolites accumulate in mice, rats and swine when fed a chlorophyll-rich diet. Results suggest chlorophyll type molecules modulate mitochondrial ATP by catalyzing the reduction of coenzyme Q, a slow step in mitochondrial ATP synthesis. We propose that through consumption of plant chlorophyll pigments, animals, too, are able to derive energy directly from sunlight.

yellow-armed bear

Spending time outdoors in sunlight, eating a chlorophyll-rich diet (spirulina (I used Zhou brand, sustainably grown in California), chlorella, and moringa leaf are some of the most nutrient and chlorophyll dense plants), and communicating with your own cellular structure are key ways to increase your energy levels and lengthen your life span in your current bodily incarnation. According to Lee Carroll, Kryon channel, you can instruct your cells to count only every other day and to refrain from shortening the telomeres. Shortened telomeres at cell division amplify the aging process. Reversing the aging process requires that the telomeres remain intact at cell division.

A telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences at each end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Its name is derived from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) “end” and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-) “part”.


As you learn to love yourself, you will speed up your release of all negativity, limiting beliefs, shame, blaming, victim mentality, as well as relics of codependency. As you move into your fifth dimensional body, integrity will be your first instinct. It will become easier to self-regulate and to feel compassion for yourself and all other human beings. You will begin to realize that we are all one family. You will suddenly understand that the Earth is alive and conscious.

temperate rainforest

You cannot extend your life if your life is not devoted to service to all of humanity, to Gaia and to all of the inhabitants on this planet and beyond. Long life is a gift granted to those who love self and others, to those who remember the power of the human heart. As we leave the iron age where humans, animals, plants all suffered greatly and lived shortened, harsh existences, we can breathe a sigh of relief as we begin to see the light and love ourselves once again.

How can we live harmlessly?


Dearest readers,

Before our presidential elections in 2016, I was collecting signatures to help get the Green Party’s Jill Stein on the ballot in the State of Georgia. Among the people I approached for the petition was a young organic farmer at a local outdoor market. As we discussed farming, life, philosophy, and a variety of fascinating topics, this sensitive young man told me that while many idealize farming and rural life, in reality, farming is all about killing living beings. He seemed genuinely distressed, for while he was dedicated to producing quality food for humans, his practice destroys the lives of insects, plants, and small animals despite his best intentions.


Is it possible to live harmlessly? And if not, what intention can we set as human beings to live compassionately, loving and honoring self and all of Earth, her creatures, plants, trees, soil, rocks? What can we do in our daily lives to preserve and honor life? How can we change our habits and the way we think and act to move towards harmlessness?


My heart is deeply connected to Gaia, and each day I communicate empathically with small mammals, birds, trees, clumps of moss. On my way home from work today, I saw with horror that two beautiful live trees had been uprooted at a construction site where they had previously been cordoned off. Believing the builders had intentionally preserved the stand of old trees, and I cried as I sat at the stop light, sending my loving thoughts and prayers to Mother Earth for the loss of these beautiful beings.


The vegan and vegetarian movements are an increasingly heeded response to the call for heightened consciousness about the beauty, intelligence, and dignity of farm animals. Many people are not aware of the intense suffering of farm animals. How many know that calves are systematically removed from their mothers on dairy farms, and that these calves are often brutally murdered. The cows are constantly impregnated so that they continue to give milk, and their babies are taken away from them each time. At the end of the cow’s useful life, she is slaughtered.


If we project this suffering onto a human mother, we can easily imagine the soul-crushing distress that these animals must experience. How would we feel about human beings treated in this manner? Human slavery does exist, and over twenty seven million human beings, including young children, suffer the unspeakable cruelty of forced prostitution, pedophilia, slavery, and organ harvesting. Billions of farm animals today live as slaves, treated as inanimate objects. The level of consciousness today that supports human and animal slavery is indeed very low.


Most people also don’t give much thought to human farm workers who are more often than not exploited, underpaid, exposed to harmful chemicals, with long working hours and no benefits. Much produce is picked by children who don’t have the opportunity to go to school. The vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are, alas, far from harmless.


I believe that young children instinctively understand, love, and honor all animals. If adults model compassionate behavior to children and if it were to become unthinkable to eat any animals, this dietary standard could quickly shift. Also, as human consciousness rises and the energetic frequency of human thought and DNA shift, our bodies become less dense. The light body flourishes on a lighter diet. It is going to become easier to eliminate meat from our diets.



As we become more evolved spiritually, our bodies follow suit. As human evolution progresses, humanity will eventually collectively adapt to a new cellular structure and eat less and less. At some point, our bodies will need only light and perhaps water to thrive. When we transform from humans to quantum, multi-dimensional light beings, we will be able to live harmlessly. Until then, we can strive to live consciously and compassionately.


Today, even if we make the choice to avoid consuming animals or at least to decrease consumption or choose only to eat animals who were raised with love, respect, and dignity, we are still not living harmlessly. We are living consciously, but not harmlessly. Plant life is conscious. Our planet is conscious. Everything we do creates harm. When we pull up weeds, mow our lawn, eat vegetables, we are creating harm. Life as we know it in our current human form cannot be sustained without creating some harm. However, plants and animals raised with love, care, dignity, and respect contain a higher energy frequency than plants or animals raised on industrial or feedlot farms. Our energetic vibrations affect everyone we touch.


Nature shows us this. Animals who are carnivores eat other animals, but they are not greedy. They never take more than they need to live. And when they die, they too are either eaten or return to the soil. When we grow plants with conscious intent and love, and when we give gratitude and thanks for the lives sacrificed that we may live, we move to a place of love. Gratitude is a necessary complement to consciousness. This is the reason humans pray over food. We are all part of nature.


Because humanity has for centuries avoided being part of Nature’s food chain, we have lost sight of our place in nature. By consciously working to release conditioning, negativity, fear, judgment of self and others, shame, lack or poverty consciousness, greed, and other mental and physical blockages that keep our energy levels, thoughts, and behaviors base and low, we can make room for more light and love in our lives each day.



The most important and most misunderstood aspect of love and unity consciousness is self-love. Without self-love, we all remain in the dark. God never judges us, but we human beings never cease to judge ourselves and one another. Until we are able to release all of this negativity, the light and love which are already inside of us cannot be expressed. Self-love is mastery. When we master self-love, we become beings of light. This is how we were designed, and the reality we will one day create collectively as light beings is known as “heaven on Earth”.


Today, we all have a unique opportunity to open up to the light and love that is inside of our hearts. We are being supported by the Universe, by the sun, and by the inhabitants of our galaxy, as well as by Gaia. The human being never stops evolving. We are all at different places in our personal evolution. We can all choose to look into our own hearts and find love for self, our fellow human beings, and for all of the living creatures on Earth, as well as for our home planet. Just knowing that everything we perceive is an expression of consciousness and sentient energy is a great start. Reality is love. We create reality using our hearts. It is time to start living responsibly and consciously. Living harmlessly starts here.