Intuitive paths to health

guinea pigs eating

Dearest readers,

I’ve been working on surrendering my life and individual will to my Higher Self. Meaning that I am doing my best to allow flow to return to my life and to be receptive to intuitive guidance regarding health, career, family, home, relationships, life purpose.

Flow, synchronicity, and ease come with relinquishing our lives to our own personal higher guidance, which is simply Self in a larger context.

Intuition means turning inward. To receive intuitive guidance, we need to be receptive. And to be receptive, we have to relinquish control of the ego and the mind over our lives.

Being receptive to our inner guidance is very relaxing and rewarding.

The brain is a receptor that stores information. We have all been conditioned, for better or for worse, to run our lives based on a set of values, beliefs, and information that we have been taught is true. All of the information stored by the mind comes from outside of self, and it clutters our inner life.

The brain is a tool. A receptor that stores information. It is not the source of consciousness.

To be receptive to intuition and higher guidance, it is necessary to let go of a lot of “junk” thoughts, beliefs, and pre-conditioned information.

Intuition can come in many forms and enter our awareness through dreams, art, music, people we encounter, things we see, situations in daily life, writing or journaling.

Our minds are full of non-original thoughts, beliefs, conditioning. Nothing new can come from or is stored in our brains.

There are as many ways to channel our Higher Self as there are different people with different talents. The most important aspect to receiving intuitive information is to pay attention to everything going on inside of ourselves as well as what we perceive in what we call our “outer reality”, which is actually just a projection of our inner emotional or mental state.

What we have been taught to perceive as the outside world is merely a projection of our inner mental and emotional states of being.

Recently, I have been asking for guidance about my health. Because I know that everything that exists is a fractal of the singular consciousness that most people call God, I also intuit that whatever I might receive is also an integral part of myself. Separation is an illusion, as is time.

I ask my Higher Self for guidance so that I can better support my health and to achieve my life goals, and to better serve the highest good of everyone and everything.

Which means that any health condition that we believe we have persists because we hold onto that belief. If I believe I have rotten teeth, they will continue to be rotten because my sense of reality is built around that construct.

Our beliefs determine our experiences of reality, including our states of health.

If I know that all parallel lives and timelines co-exist in oneness, and that time is concentrated in a single Now moment, this also means that every possibility of every experience that I could choose from to create and to experience is available to me right now.

Time is an illusion. Everything that could happen, that has ever happened, that will happen is all going on right now.

If I wish to be in perfect health right now, all I need to do is to choose that timeline/reality and to embody it completely. This requires completely letting go of all beliefs in a material, linear reality where things simply don’t change very easily.

Trust is a prerequisite for perfect health.

To heal instantly simply requires that we adapt our mindset and accept a paradigm shift. That we make a quantum leap in our thinking and being.

Our current culture, especially in the United States, is a culture of doing, rather than being. It is a hyper-masculine culture. To sit and be quiet, to be receptive to one’s own thoughts and feelings (a feminine perspective), are fairly foreign to this culture and are generally deprecated. To be feminine, to be intuitive, has been judged, shamed, condemned as weak.

Doing is male. Being is female. Neither one is better than the other. Both are crucial for life balance.

Yet this is what our world needs now. We need balance, and we need to take charge at the same time. By restoring the feminine as an active part of our culture and by restoring balance to the proportion of masculine and feminine dynamics in our cultures, we can restore intuition into our daily lives and practices. We can learn to heal ourselves.

The Higher Self is a fractal of Oneness that has a more expanded perspective of reality. It can see everything, where I can only see a narrow slice.

Very recently, my own Higher Self communicated to me via YouTube videos, synchronicities, and dreams how to better care for my own health.

I have a bright orange little car. When I see the same make, model, year on the road, I know I am on the right track. My outer experience of reality gives me constant clues.

I was guided to walk barefoot and to connect to the energy field of the Earth or to use grounding mats to help heal my teeth and gums. I was also guided via dreams to avoid eating corn and to eat less and less frequently.

Everyone has their own intuitive, symbolic language. We do collectively, as human beings, share important symbols and archetypes, but personal subtleties will demonstrate that we each have our own creative language.

The language of intuition can be very colorful and not very literal. Getting to know your own imagination and language of symbols is important. As you journal, write down your dreams, write songs, poetry, spend more time in nature, meditation, or just being quiet or alone without using technology, you will find your own way of communicating with your Higher Self.

Art and journaling, as well as dreams, are a great creative outlet and form of channeling my Higher Self.

Every human being living in a grounded body here on Earth does have an out of body guidance system. Even though it often feels as if we are alone here, we are not. It is important to ask for help and to get to know our Higher Self and spirit guides (or whatever you choose to call your inner guidance).

We are not alone here on Earth. We all have an out-of-body guidance system. Because of the law of free will, we do have to ask for help to receive it.

Because living in a physical body has equipped us with a strong Ego and survival instinct, it is challenging to let go of control and fear of being hurt, killed, or manipulated in some way. The culture of separation, however, is coming to an end, and it is time to heal from this illusion of limitation, suffering, and division from self, others, and all of Nature.

We can choose to live from Ego and try to control our own lives. This experience involves a lot of struggle. Flow can only be restored when we surrender our lives to our Higher Self. This is not easy!

We each have to power to restore balance to our bodies: mental, physical, emotional, and energetic. Balance is health, and balancing is healing. Because we have for so long relinquished control of our well-being and of our lives to forces outside of self, our lives and our worlds are in chaos. To surrender to our Higher Self is to take back our power. For the Higher Self is our true self, in its fully empowered state.

To surrender to our higher guidance is to be fully empowered, because our Higher Self is within us, and is us. It is not surrendering our self or our freedom to external sources of power, information, or technology.

Instead of reaching out to the Internet, first touch base with your inner guidance system. Make a list of questions and speak them aloud. And then say: “Please guide me. Please show me what I need to know.” Then just pay attention. The answers will come quickly and in surprising ways!